अर्जुन उवाच |
अयति: श्रद्धयोपेतो योगाच्चलितमानस: |
अप्राप्य योगसंसिद्धिं कां गतिं कृष्ण गच्छति || 37||
arjuna uvācha
ayatiḥ śhraddhayopeto yogāch chalita-mānasaḥ
aprāpya yoga-sansiddhiṁ kāṅ gatiṁ kṛiṣhṇa gachchhati
arjunaḥ uvācha—Arjun said; ayatiḥ—lax; śhraddhayā—with faith; upetaḥ—possessed; yogāt—from Yog; chalita-mānasaḥ—whose mind becomes deviated; aprāpya—failing to attain; yoga-sansiddhim—the highest perfection in yog; kām—which; gatim—destination; kṛiṣhṇa—Shree Krishna; gachchhati—goes
Arjuna said: What is the fate of the unsuccessful yogi who begins the path with faith, but who does not endeavor sufficiently due to an unsteady mind and is unable to reach the goal of Yoga in this life?
Another doubt, quite natural to all the aspirants, crops up in Arjuna’s mind. He presents the case of an aspirant who has faith in the Guru’s teaching, who is practising self-control, but who passes away before perfection is gained in yoga. What will happen to that man? Where does he go? Has he any future, or should he start everything afresh? Will all his struggle and effort go to waste? This is a very natural doubt, for, most aspirants have a deep-seated doubt that they may not be able to attain perfection in this life. Very rarely do we come across the intense type of yogi who is determined to get the highest even in this life. So from the point of view of the vast majority of seekers, Arjuna’s question has undisputed relevancy.
Question: What is Arjuna’s question?
Answer: The aspirant possessing faith, yet failing to attain perfection in yoga, what will happen to him when he dies?
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6
(47 Verses)