दण्डो दमयतामस्मि नीतिरस्मि जिगीषताम् |
मौनं चैवास्मि गुह्यानां ज्ञानं ज्ञानवतामहम् || 38||
daṇḍo damayatām asmi nītir asmi jigīṣhatām
maunaṁ chaivāsmi guhyānāṁ jñānaṁ jñānavatām aham
daṇḍaḥ—punishment; damayatām—amongst means of preventing lawlessness; asmi—I am; nītiḥ—proper conduct; asmi—I am; jigīṣhatām—amongst those who seek victory; maunam—silence; cha—and; eva—also; asmi—I am; guhyānām—amongst secrets; jñānam—wisdom; jñāna-vatām—in the wise; aham—I
I am the punishment of those that chastise and the statesmanship of those that conquer. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom.
The statesmanship approved by the Sastras in securing national welfare is also the Lord. True victory is always based on Truth, and that which is obtained by fraud and deception is no victory.
Maunam: The silence is also the Lord. Silence in word, silence in thought, are essential practices to attain self-control and mastery over one’s lower nature. It leads to self-realisation.
Jnanam: Self-knowledge is the Lord Himself. It is His sovereign Glory.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10
(42 Verses)