उच्चै:श्रवसमश्वानां विद्धि माममृतोद्भवम् |
ऐरावतं गजेन्द्राणां नराणां च नराधिपम् || 27||
uchchaiḥśhravasam aśhvānāṁ viddhi mām amṛitodbhavam
airāvataṁ gajendrāṇāṁ narāṇāṁ cha narādhipam
uchchaiḥśhravasam—Uchchaihshrava; aśhvānām—amongst horses; viddhi—know; mām—me; amṛita-udbhavam—begotten from the churning of the ocean of nectar; airāvatam—Airavata; gaja-indrāṇām—amongst all lordly elephants; narāṇām—amongst humans; cha—and; nara-adhipam—the king
Of horses know Me to be Uchchaih-shravas, born of the amrita; of lordly elephants I am Airāvata, and of men I am the monarch.
Ucchaisravam and Airavata were born when the ocean of milk was churned by the Devas and the Danavas in ancient times.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10
(42 Verses)