सर्वमेतदृतं मन्ये यन्मां वदसि केशव |
न हि ते भगवन्व्यक्तिं विदुर्देवा न दानवा: || 14||
sarvam etad ṛitaṁ manye yan māṁ vadasi keśhava
na hi te bhagavan vyaktiṁ vidur devā na dānavāḥ
sarvam—everything; etat—this; ṛitam—truth; manye—I accept; yat—which; mām—me; vadasi—you tell; keśhava—Shree Krishna, the killer of the demon named Keshi; na—neither; hi—verily; te—your; bhagavan—the Supreme Lord; vyaktim—personality; viduḥ—can understand; devāḥ—the celestial gods; na—nor; dānavāḥ—the demons
I hold as true all that You have said to me, Ο Keśava. Verily, neither the gods nor the demons, Ο Lord, know Your manifestations.
Arjuna’s faith in the Lord’s declaration is revealed here. Such faith is expected of the disciple towards his master. This very faith, simple and childlike, and utter confidence in the Guru’s words, draws the compassion of the Master towards his humble disciple.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10
(42 Verses)