पिताहमस्य जगतो माता धाता पितामह: |
वेद्यं पवित्रमोङ्कार ऋक्साम यजुरेव च || 17||
pitāham asya jagato mātā dhātā pitāmahaḥ
vedyaṁ pavitram oṁkāra ṛik sāma yajur eva cha
pitā—Father; aham—I; asya—of this; jagataḥ—universe; mātā—Mother; dhātā—Sustainer; pitāmahaḥ—Grandsire; vedyam—the goal of knowledge; pavitram—the purifier; om-kāra—the sacred syllable Om; ṛik—the Rig Veda; sāma—the Sama Veda; yajuḥ—the Yajur Veda; eva—also; cha—and
I am the Father of this universe, the Mother, the Sustainer, and the Grandsire. I am the knowable, the purifier, and the syllable Om. I am also the Rik, the Sāman, and the Yajus.
One’s relationship with mortals is very temporary. So long as the body lasts, the relationship exists, and soon after the body falls, it is all over. This is experienced by all every day. The Lord is is the e eternal Father, Mother, and Grandfather. At all times whether in this life or beyond, He is with us always. When one is under the protecting power of the Divine Parents, there cannot be any fear in life or death. So the love that one has for his earthly relations should be sublimated into divine love for the Lord who confers Moksha as the highest reward of devotion.
The one thing to be known in this world is the Lord. All other knowledge is of no use if it does not lead to an understanding of the Lord. Knowing Paramatma, man knows everything. Not knowing Him, man knows nothing even if he has read all the books in the world.
Omkarah: It has already said that the syllable OM (Pranava) is most sacred and contains the very essence of all the Vedas.
Question: What is the state of Paramatma?
Answer: He is the father, mother and grand-father of the world.
Question: What is the one thing to be known?
Answer: Paramatma.
Question: What is the purest?
Answer: Paramatma.
Question: What are the other manifestations of Paramatma?
Answer: He is Pranava, He is all the Vedas.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9
(34 Verses)