अर्जुन उवाच |
परं ब्रह्म परं धाम पवित्रं परमं भवान् |
पुरुषं शाश्वतं दिव्यमादिदेवमजं विभुम् || 12||
आहुस्त्वामृषय: सर्वे देवर्षिर्नारदस्तथा |
असितो देवलो व्यास: स्वयं चैव ब्रवीषि मे || 13||
arjuna uvācha
paraṁ brahma paraṁ dhāma pavitraṁ paramaṁ bhavān
puruṣhaṁ śhāśhvataṁ divyam ādi-devam ajaṁ vibhum
āhus tvām ṛiṣhayaḥ sarve devarṣhir nāradas tathā
asito devalo vyāsaḥ svayaṁ chaiva bravīṣhi me
arjunaḥ uvācha—Arjun said; param—Supreme; brahma—Brahman; param—Supreme; dhāma—abode; pavitram—purifier; paramam—Supreme; bhavān—you; puruṣham—personality; śhāśhvatam—eternal; divyam—divine; ādi-devam—the Primal Being; ajam—the unborn; vibhum—the great; āhuḥ—(they) declare; tvām—you; ṛiṣhayaḥ—sages; sarve—all; deva-ṛiṣhiḥ-nāradaḥ—devarṣhi Narad; tathā—also; asitaḥ—Asit; devalaḥ—Deval; vyāsaḥ—Vyās; svayam—personally; cha—and; eva—even; bravīṣhī—you are declaring; me—to me
Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Abode, the Supreme Holiness. All the sages have declared You to be the eternal, self-luminous Person, the first of the gods, unborn and all-pervading; likewise have the divine sages Nārada, Asita, Devala, and Vyāsa proclaimed. So, too, have You said unto me.
When the Lord spoke of His compassion for the devotees, and how he confers knowledge on them who worship Him with love and faith, Arjuna was lifted up by a mighty upsurge of devotional fervour. His adoration for the Lord reaches the peak point. His love and worship attain the highest state. His joy knows no bounds. From that fulness of heart proceeds Arjuna’s ecstatic adoration as revealed in these two verses. Such devotion to the Guru is needed to receive enlightenment. The blossoming of the heart through devotion makes the disciple fit to understand the Truth propounded by the Master.
Question: What is the nature of Krishna Paramatma?
Answer: He is Supreme Brahman, Supreme Abode, purifier, primeval God, Eternal and Divine Purusha, unborn and Omnipresent.
Question: Who spoke of the Lord thus?
Answer: The Seven Rishis, Devarshi Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa, and the Lord Himself has declared the same truth to Arjuna.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 10
(42 Verses)