क्षिप्रं भवति धर्मात्मा शश्वच्छान्तिं निगच्छति |
कौन्तेय प्रतिजानीहि न मे भक्त: प्रणश्यति || 31||
kṣhipraṁ bhavati dharmātmā śhaśhvach-chhāntiṁ nigachchhati
kaunteya pratijānīhi na me bhaktaḥ praṇaśhyati
kṣhipram—quickly; bhavati—become; dharma-ātmā—virtuous; śhaśhvat-śhāntim—lasting peace; nigachchhati—attain; kaunteya—Arjun, the son of Kunti; pratijānīhi—declare; na—never; me—My; bhaktaḥ—devotee; praṇaśhyati—perishes
He soon becomes righteous and attains eternal peace. Proclaim it boldly, Ο son of Kunti, that My devotee never perishes.
The effect of the right decision is declared here. The wicked man quickly becomes a righteous man (‘Dharmatma’), and attains eternal peace.
This point should be carefully understood because all progress in spiritual life depends on correct and firm decision. One may read all the sastras in the world and yet cling desperately to the ephemeral things of the world. Such a man has not come to the right decision in spite of his learning and erudition. The decision that Paramatma alone is Real, and that He alone is the ultimate refuge should be reached. But doubt and darkness cover up the mind, and the truth, though repeatedly heard, does not sink into the mind and illumine the heart.
But, when the correct decision is reached, accepted, and confirmed by one’s own heart, he immediately becomes a righteous man, whatever his former sins might be. Not only does he become righteous, but he enjoys supreme eternal peace. The Upanishads declare “Unto them comes peace and to none else.”
The second line of the verse is the Lord’s proclamation to the world. “My devotee never perishes.” This is a ‘mahamantra‘ for all mankind. Whenever one feels dispirited, dull and desperate, let this line be repeated, shouted at the highest pitch, so that the clouds of doubt and despair might to cleared, and the Lord becomes manifest in his own heart. How can a man suffer from thirst when the holy Ganga is flowing by? How can a man become desperate when the loving Lord is standing by? No. Let there be no doubt about it. The Lord throws a challenge to all doubters – “Have faith in Me, thou shall not be destroyed.” Let the feeble and infirm doubters feel the warmth of this declaration. The compassionate Lord wants Arjuna to proclaim to all mankind that His devotees shall never suffer destruction. Remembering this promise, may all aspirants move forward on the glorious path of Self-realiation.

Question: How shall wicked man change?
Answer: By having faith in the Lord. He becomes Dharmatma very soon.
Question: What shall be his reward?
Answer: Supreme peace.
Question: What then is the way to attain peace?
Answer: Undivided faith and devotion to the Lord.
Question: What is the Lord’s promise?
Answer: His devotees shall never perish.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9
(34 Verses)