समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रिय: |
ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम् || 29||
samo ’haṁ sarva-bhūteṣhu na me dveṣhyo ’sti na priyaḥ
ye bhajanti tu māṁ bhaktyā mayi te teṣhu chāpyaham
samaḥ—equally disposed; aham—I; sarva-bhūteṣhu—to all living beings; na—no one; me—to Me; dveṣhyaḥ—inimical; asti—is; na—not; priyaḥ—dear; ye—who; bhajanti—worship with love; tu—but; mām—Me; bhaktyā—with devotion; mayi—reside in Me; te—such persons; teṣhu—in them; cha—and; api—also; aham—I
I am the same toward all beings; to Me there is none hateful or dear. But those who worship Me with devotion— they are in Me, and I too am in them.
This declaration of the Lord that He is the same to all beings should be carefully noted by all aspirants. The Lord does not hate any being, nor is any being dear to Him. His grace is overflowing for all people. To make Him responsible for the good and evil things that come to man in the course of this life is utter nonsense. And yet even learned people are so deluded that they complain against God in moments of crisis and calamity. The Lord has nothing to do with the ups and downs, losses and gains, pleasures and pains of all beings. Each one reaps the fruits of his own thoughts and actions. One reaps what he sows. The law is universal and eternal. Let the seeker realise the full responsibility for the good and bad that comes to him. Let him never shift the blame to anyone else.
Though the Lord is the same to all beings, they are not all the same to Him. Hatred and malice lead people into evil and this evil causes sorrow and misery. Some enlightened souls avoid such thoughts and feelings and cultivate an attitude of love and friendliness, so they enjoy life better. They come nearer to God and experience bliss and blessedness.
Let no one imagine that God’s grace has not come to him. God’s grace, like the wind, is blowing everywhere. Intrepid sailors spread the sails and make rapid progress on the ocean of spirituality, whereas the lazy remain where they are.
The devotee is assured that the Lord is in them and they are in Him. This is due to the devotion of the aspirant. The Lord is like the fire in the cold season. The nearer one moves towards it, the warmer he feels. The farther away he is, the colder he feels. This is the natural law. The Lord states very clearly that he lives in the hearts of his devotees who worship him with love and devotion. Such a man is the very temple of God. They are God Himself because the Lord is directly manifest in them.
Single-minded devotion leads man to the Supreme Lord, who is present in all beings and who manifests Himself in the heart of the true devotee.
Question: How does God look upon all beings?
Answer: He is the same to all beings.
Question: Why then do some people suffer and others enjoy life?
Answer: It is the result of their own actions. Those who worship the Lord enjoy life, others suffer.
Question: How is God to be worshipped?
Answer: With devotion.
Question: Where does God manifest Himself?
Answer: He manifests Himself in the hearts of the true devotees. In all beings, the Lord exists as ‘sat’ but to those of devotion, He reveals Himself and gives them Moksha.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9
(34 Verses)