राजविद्या राजगुह्यं पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् |
प्रत्यक्षावगमं धर्म्यं सुसुखं कर्तुमव्ययम् || 2||
rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣhāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam
rāja-vidyā—the king of sciences; rāja-guhyam—the most profound secret; pavitram—pure; idam—this; uttamam—highest; pratyakṣha—directly perceptible; avagamam—directly realizable; dharmyam—virtuous; su-sukham—easy; kartum—to practice; avyayam—everlasting
It is the sovereign science, the sovereign mystery, and the supreme purifier. It is perceived by direct experience, it accords with dharma, it is easy to practise, and it is imperishable.
All other sciences cannot bestow peace and bliss on mankind. Worldly knowledge can only deal with material things which are perishable. The profound mystery of life and death and immortality can be understood only when Brahman is realised. All other things are ‘anatma’, ‘jada’, insentient. They are impure. Atma the self, Brahman alone is pure and perfect. So this knowledge which reveals the ultimate Truth is declared to be royal knowledge and royal secret.
This royal knowledge is to be attained by direct intuition. Its fruit is direct and immediate. All other works take time to bear fruit. But Brahmajnana bears fruit at once and the sage of realisation becomes Brahman, is Brahman immediately.
It is declared here that the practice of Brahmajnana is very easy. When the mind is purified by self-effort of all its impurities like raga and dvesha, tamas and rajas no further effort is needed for the realisation of Brahman, because Brahman is self-existent and self-luminous. There is no effort needed to realise the truth. So it is said in the sastras that Brahmajnana is easier than crushing the tender flowers or easier than ordinary respiration. This is not only very easy to practice but it is also the source of all Dharma, eternal, and imperishable.
Question: What is the nature of Brahmajnana?
Answer: It is royal knowledge, royal secret, pure, supreme realisation by intuition, righteous, very easy to practice, and imperishable.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 9 🔻 (34 Verses)
![Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 2](https://cdn.vivekavani.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Bhagavad-Gita-9.2-945x1024.jpg)