सर्वाणीन्द्रियकर्माणि प्राणकर्माणि चापरे |
आत्मसंयमयोगाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते || 27||
sarvāṇīndriya-karmāṇi prāṇa-karmāṇi chāpare
ātma-sanyama-yogāgnau juhvati jñāna-dīpite
sarvāṇi—all; indriya—the senses; karmāṇi—functions; prāṇa-karmāṇi—functions of the life breath; cha—and; apare—others; ātma-sanyama yogāgnau—in the fire of the controlled mind; juhvati—sacrifice; jñāna-dīpite—kindled by knowledge
Others sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the functions of the vital energy (prana) in the fire of the yoga of self-control, illumined by Knowledge.
The mind is the barrier to Self-realisation. By its inherent samskaras acquired through several births, the mind has become a thick dark veil covering up the Reality and preventing the people from knowing their own real nature. To conquer the mind, various spiritual disciplines are necessary. Restraining the senses and controlling the breath are essential for mind – control. Otherwise, the force of the senses and the ill-regulated health disturb the mind-stuff endlessly. So the seeker should gradually practise sense-restraint (indriyanigraha) and breath-regulation (pranayama). This idea – is figuratively described as sacrificing the senses and the vital energy (prana) in the fire of self-control.
Illumined by Knowledge: Jnana is compared to light. By sense-control and self-control, the light of knowledge shines brightest. On the other side, by discrimination and knowledge of the Self, the mind is brought under control. Therefore it is here said that self-control is illumined by knowledge. The fire of self-control is fawned into flame by knowledge. It means that those who aspire for mind-control should practise discrimination and enquiry into the Self. The seeker has to carry on the enquiry – “what and whence this universe? what is the reality behind all this?” By such enquiry, the mind ceases to run after the transitory things of the objective world and turns towards that which is the basis of all – Atma. It is evident from this epithet that the Atmic state is the absolute fulness of light, knowledge and bliss.
Question: By what is self-control strengthened?
Answer: By spiritual enquiry and knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4
(42 Verses)