जरामरणमोक्षाय मामाश्रित्य यतन्ति ये |
ते ब्रह्म तद्विदु: कृत्स्नमध्यात्मं कर्म चाखिलम् || 29||
jarā-maraṇa-mokṣhāya mām āśhritya yatanti ye
te brahma tadviduḥ kṛitsnam adhyātmaṁ karma chākhilam
jarā—from old age; maraṇa—and death; mokṣhāya—for liberation; mām—me; āśhritya—take shelter in; yatanti—strive; ye—who; te—they; brahma—Brahman; tat—that; viduḥ—know; kṛitsnam—everything; adhyātmam—the individual self; karma—karmic action; cha—and; akhilam—entire
Those who take shelter in Me, striving for liberation from old-age and death, come to know the Brahman, the individual self, and the entire field of karmic action.
The individual strives for liberation from the ills and sorrows of life and for obtaining that bliss which is perfect. All spiritual practices and surrender to the Lord, have this freedom and perfection as the goal. As the seeker continues his practice, and as his sadhana becomes ripe, (i.e.) as he becomes a Yogarudhah, he will discover that all things, all knowledge, and all action to be Brahman, and that there is nothing else but that. They see the whole life and universe as the Self, Atma, or Brahman.
The knowledge of Brahman does not come to all. Those who are awakened to the ills of life, who seek liberation, who strive for it, who take refuge in the Lord, they alone understand the highest Truth-that the Self is Brahman and everything is only that and nothing else. Man realises that his limited self is only a fiction, a myth and mirage, and what exists is only Brahman, and he is that (Aham Brahmasmi).
Asritya, yatani: These two are the key-words of the verse. They go together, striving for liberation and surrendering to the Lord. Both these are necessary for Brahma-Jnana. When man strives for knowledge, God’s grace helps him to know the right path and reach the goal.
Question: For what should man take refuge in the Lord?
Answer: For releasing himself from the bondage of age and death.
Question: How does man realise God?
Answer: By his effort in the practice of spiritual sadhana.
Question: What is his reward?
Answer: By his own sadhana and by surrender to the Lord he realises Brahman the culmination of all knowledge and action.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 7
(30 Verses)