श्रीभगवानुवाच |
मय्यासक्तमना: पार्थ योगं युञ्जन्मदाश्रय: |
असंशयं समग्रं मां यथा ज्ञास्यसि तच्छृणु || 1||
śhrī bhagavān uvācha
mayyāsakta-manāḥ pārtha yogaṁ yuñjan mad-āśhrayaḥ
asanśhayaṁ samagraṁ māṁ yathā jñāsyasi tach chhṛiṇu
śhrī-bhagavān uvācha—the Supreme Lord said; mayi—to me; āsakta-manāḥ—with the mind attached; pārtha—Arjun, the son of Pritha; yogam—bhakti yog; yuñjan—practicing; mad-āśhrayaḥ—surrendering to me; asanśhayam—free from doubt; samagram—completely; mām—me; yathā—how; jñāsyasi—you shall know; tat—that; śhṛiṇu—listen
The Lord said: Hear, Ο Pārtha, how, with your mind attached to Me, and taking refuge in Me, and practising yoga, you will without any doubt know Me in full.
Few people are eager to know the Lord, and among those who are eager to know, only a few are able to know Him in essence. Indeed, very rare are those who could know him fully and without any doubt. Three conditions are prescribed.
- He should be attached to the Lord.
- He should consider the Lord as His sole refuge.
- He should practise yoga.
The mind is like a powerful search-light. When it is turned aside, the objective world is seen; When it is turned inwards, the Self is seen. The mind thinks only of that to which it is attached. As the ignorant man is attached to the material world, his mind rambles continuously sense objects and is satisfied with sense-pleasures. Such a man cannot know the Lord- Paramatma. The wise man, turning away from the objective world, thinks of the Reality understands the Truth, and enjoys peace and bliss. Therefore the Lord speaks of the yogi as one who is attached to the Lord and for whom the Lord is the sole refuge.
The yoga of Devotion and Dhyana are both aids to know the Lord and become one with Him.
Moreover, in this verse, the doubt is cleared on how the Lord is to be known. He could be known by devotion to Him, by seeking refuge in Him, and by meditation on Him.
Ekam sat viprāḥ bahudhā vadanti, ‘Truth is one, sages call It by various names.’ Names are different, forms are different, but the Truth is one and the same.
Question: What is the way to know the Lord?
Answer: Devotion, meditation, single-minded aspiration are the means of knowing the Lord.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 7 🔻 (30 Verses)