नाहं प्रकाश: सर्वस्य योगमायासमावृत: |
मूढोऽयं नाभिजानाति लोको मामजमव्ययम् || 25||
nāhaṁ prakāśhaḥ sarvasya yoga-māyā-samāvṛitaḥ
mūḍho ’yaṁ nābhijānāti loko mām ajam avyayam
na—not; aham—I; prakāśhaḥ—manifest; sarvasya—to everyone; yoga-māyā—God’s supreme (divine) energy; samāvṛitaḥ—veiled; mūḍhaḥ—deluded; ayam—these; na—not; abhijānāti—know; lokaḥ—persons; mām—me; ajam—unborn; avyayam—immutable
Veiled by My māyā born of the gunas, I am not revealed to all. This deluded world knows Me not as the unborn and eternal.
If God is Omnipresent, why does He not manifest to all. This question is frequently asked by many. The answer is here. He is veiled by his own power (Sakti), the cosmic illusion, and so He is not seen by all. To those for whom the veil is drawn off by intense discrimination, He becomes visible. Between man and God, there is the veil of cosmic illusion. It is Maya composed of the three qualities (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas). The veil of ‘Tamas’ is dark, that of Rajas is red, and that of Sattva is pure white. Thus the threefold veil covers up the effulgent Paramatma. As the devotee tears away veil after veil by intense sadhana, the Reality behind manifests itself as the final Truth. All the spiritual practices are intended to remove the obstruction that stands between man and God, and not to produce or create God! He is already there, the eternal conscious principle in all. The problem simply is to clear off the veil of Maya. The power of maya and how to cross over it has already been declared by the Lord (6-14).
When a dark pot is placed over the lamp, light is not seen. When the pot is taken off, the light is visible. When one covers his eyes with his hands, he cannot see the Sun. When he takes off its hands, he sees the Sun. Therefore, though the Lord is present in all, He is not seen: It is true to say that what one sees as the objective world is also the Lord, but such is the power of the cosmic illusion that he is confused and thinks of the world only as matter and nothing more. When the mind is cleared of the illusion he sees everything as the Lord. (Vasudevas sarvamiti).
The ignorant are strengthening maya and forging strong shackles to bind themselves. Lust and sensuality, indulgence in sense-pleasures, greed and hatred – these are haunting the mind of humanity, and purity and self-control are at a discount. The unrest in the world is due to the clouded intelligence of men who are not able to understand the secret of peace and blessedness. Spiritual life and inner freedom have practically become impossible for many because the atmosphere in which people live is poisoned with sense attractions and distracting elements. Blessed are the few who, in the midst of this uproar and agitation, have set their aim on perfection, and strive for it with discrimination and dispassion. They shall see the higher nature of the Lord.
The word ‘sarvasya‘ (to all) here should refer only to the ignorant. That the Lord is veiled by maya is from the dualistic point only. Paramatma has no veil by which He is covered. He is unclouded pure Supreme Intelligence. The veil is for the individual Jiva only. The clouds cannot at any time affect the sun. He is always bright and glorious. The covering of the clouds is from the viewpoint of those who are below the clouds. The same is the case with the Supreme Lord.
A different interpretation of the phrase “Yogamaya-samavritah” (Veiled by Yoga Maya) is given by some commentators. It is taken as a qualifying adjective to ‘mudhah’ (the deluded). Then the meaning would be the ignorant world veiled by the deluding power of Maya is not able to see the eternal nature of the Lord.
Question: Why is the Lord not visible to all?
Answer: Since he is veiled by the Yoga Maya.
Question: What is the real nature of the Lord?
Answer: He is birthless and eternal.
Question: Who is not able to understand His real nature?
Answer: The ignorant.
Question: Why?
Answer: Because they are not able to penetrate the veil of Maya.
Question: What should the wise man do?
Answer: He should strive by intense spiritual sadhana to remove the obstructing veil and realise the Lord even in this very life.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 7
(30 Verses)