रजसि प्रलयं गत्वा कर्मसङ्गिषु जायते |
तथा प्रलीनस्तमसि मूढयोनिषु जायते || 15||
rajasi pralayaṁ gatvā karma-saṅgiṣhu jāyate
tathā pralīnas tamasi mūḍha-yoniṣhu jāyate
rajasi—in the mode of passion; pralayam—death; gatvā—attaining; karma-saṅgiṣhu—among people driven by work; jāyate—are born; tathā—likewise; pralīnaḥ—dying; tamasi—in the mode of ignorance; mūḍha-yoniṣhu—in the animal kingdom; jāyate—takes birth
If the embodied soul meets with death when rajas prevails, it is born among those who are attached to action; and if it meets with death when tamas prevails, it is born in the wombs of creatures devoid of reason.
The man of Rajo-guna is born among men attached to action. So he acts continuously, binds himself by such desireful actions and is reborn in the same state. Thus continuously, birth after birth, urged by his own selfish desires and passions, he leads a restless and agitated life. He is bound to the wheel of karma.
The Tamasic man is born in the wombs of the senseless birds, beasts and reptiles and so on. What horrible punishment it is to be born as a wolf or a jackal or a snake etc.? What rational man is there who does not shudder at this horrible prospect of his future life? Is there any man who would willingly be born in the wombs of the wretched and the ignorant? No. Every man wants to go up, and not fall down. Human nature aspires for higher and higher things. So let the aspirants beware of the horrible consequences of their future life. If they fail to heed the warnings of the Lord, Sri Krishna Paramatma they have to suffer. The Lord is revealing the future in the present. Having eyes one should see. Having ears one should hear. Having reason, one should understand. Devotion, dispassion, and knowledge (Bhakti, Vairagya and Jnana), one needs to save himself from future misery and wretchedness.
Question: Where is the Rajasic man born after death?
Answer: Among men attached to action.
Question: Where is the Tamasic man born after death?
Answer: In the wombs of the senseless animals, birds reptiles, and so on.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 14
(27 Verses)