यथा प्रकाशयत्येक: कृत्स्नं लोकमिमं रवि: |
क्षेत्रं क्षेत्री तथा कृत्स्नं प्रकाशयति भारत || 34||
yathā prakāśhayaty ekaḥ kṛitsnaṁ lokam imaṁ raviḥ
kṣhetraṁ kṣhetrī tathā kṛitsnaṁ prakāśhayati bhārata
yathā—as; prakāśhayati—illumines; ekaḥ—one; kṛitsnam—entire; lokam—solar system; imam—this; raviḥ—sun; kṣhetram—the body; kṣhetrī—the soul; tathā—so; kṛitsnam—entire; prakāśhayati—illumine; bhārata—Arjun, the son of Bharat
As the one sun illumines the whole world, so does He who dwells in the body, Ο Bhārata, illumine the whole body.
The all-pervasive character of Paramatma is stated previously by the illustration of ether. Now the luminosity of Atma is declared by the illustration of the sun. Just as the sun, who is the spectator of the world, illumines the whole world by his light, so also Paramatma illumines the entire kshetram body, mind and intellect. The Sun is only one. Paramatma is One. The sun – gives light. Paramatma is light. The Sun has nothing to do with good and bad nature of men and their actions in the world. Paramatma similarly is not concerned with the functions of the body, mind and intellect. He is just the witness, like the Sun. If the sun is not there, the whole world becomes lifeless and dark. So also if Paramatma is not there, the universe would crumble to pieces and disappear into darkness and death.
Kritsnam: It implies that Paramatma illumines the three states of man (wakefulness, dream and sleep), and also the three divisions of time (past, present and future).
The seeker has to meditate on these basic ideas, and know that he is Paramatma, the all-pervading untainted, luminous self. He is not any of these objects that are inert (Jada). Such deep and unmovable meditation leads one to realise Paramatma and free himself from the bondage of samsara.
Question: How does Paramatma illumine the world?
Answer: Like the Sun illuminating the world.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13
(35 Verses)