प्रकृत्यैव च कर्माणि क्रियमाणानि सर्वश: |
य: पश्यति तथात्मानमकर्तारं स पश्यति || 30||
prakṛityaiva cha karmāṇi kriyamāṇāni sarvaśhaḥ
yaḥ paśhyati tathātmānam akartāraṁ sa paśhyati
prakṛityā—by material nature; eva—truly; cha—also; karmāṇi—actions; kriyamāṇāni—are performed; sarvaśhaḥ—all; yaḥ—who; paśhyati—see; tathā—also; ātmānam—(embodied) soul; akartāram—actionless; saḥ—they; paśhyati—see
He who sees that all actions are done only by Prakriti and that the Self is actionless— verily, he alone sees.
All actions in the world in every way are being performed by Prakriti.
The real Self of man is actionless, non-doer, and only the witness of these changes and modifications that take place before Him. By His presence, Prakriti is empowered to act in various ways, to carry out its work according to natural laws. The man who knows the secret is really the wise man. His vision is true. The others having eyes do not see. Most people attribute action to themselves and are bound by the wheel of Karma. They say I have bad work or this good work; I am – happy or I am sorrowful; I am dull or I am intelligent and so on.’ This is ‘Ahamkara’ – a false identification of the Self with body and mind (3.27). This ruinous identification should go. Unless the truth is clearly seen and realised, man lives in the realm of ignorance (avidya) and cannot go beyond samsara. The distinct separateness between the actionless Atma and the functions of Prakriti should be realised by every spiritual aspirant.
Question: By what are the actions performed in the world?
Answer: By Prakriti.
Question: What is the state of Atma?
Answer: It is actionless, non-doer (Akarta). By its presence, all the vehicles of the body and mind etc., carry on their functions.
Question: Who is the true seer in the world?
Answer: He who knows that Prakriti performs all actions and that he (Self) is non-doer, is the real seer. The others though having eyes do not possess the eye of knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13
(35 Verses)