क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत |
क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञयोर्ज्ञानं यत्तज्ज्ञानं मतं मम || 3||
kṣhetra-jñaṁ chāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣhetreṣhu bhārata
kṣhetra-kṣhetrajñayor jñānaṁ yat taj jñānaṁ mataṁ mama
kṣhetra-jñam—the knower of the field; cha—also; api—only; mām—me; viddhi—know; sarva—all; kṣhetreṣhu—in individual fields of activities; bhārata—scion of Bharat; kṣhetra—the field of activities; kṣhetra-jñayoḥ—of the knower of the field; jñānam—understanding of; yat—which; tat—that; jñānam—knowledge; matam—opinion; mama—my
O Arjuna! Know Me as the kshetrajna (Knower) in all the kshetras (bodies); Knowledge of the kshetra and kshetrajna is real Knowledge, according to My opinion.
In this verse, the Lord teaches the Mahavakya ‘tat tvam asi’ (Thou art That). In the Second Discourse in the verse ‘Na tvevaham jatu nasam’ (2.12), the Lord has already taught the Mahavakya, the highest truth. The Jiva is no other than Siva. The Jiva (really Pratyagatman) is the Knower of the field, the witness to the modifications of the body and mind, and this Jiva is not distinct from Paramatma, is actually one with Him. “Know Me as the Knower of the body in all the bodies”. So the Jiva who is the Knower in a particular body is Paramatma Himself, who is also the knower in everybody. There is therefore only one Knower and He is functioning in everybody as the witness. The Lord Himself is the Knower in all the bodies. The ‘Jiva’ is only a fictitious entity and has no real existence at all apart from the Lord. To know this Truth fully and finally is the highest achievement of man.
This knowledge gives to every man the greatest strength and courage. Why should one weep and wail? Why should he suffer the miseries of life? Let him remember that the Lord is actually, directly present in him. This is the truth. No other kind of knowledge except this can give man supreme joy and blissfulness. Knowledge of the sciences, arts and politics, is incomplete and one-sided. There is no perfection in them. There is no finality in them. They keep man where he is. This knowledge of the kshetrajna transforms man into a Divine Being. He understands the tremendous mystery of the human personality.
Sarvakshetreshu: Lord Krishna declares Himself to be Paramatma present in every being. He is the basis, the foundation of all. In all human beings irrespective of caste, creed, race, sex and nationality, and in all animals, reptiles and worms, in every body the Lord is present as the One Cognising Power. All the rest is ‘Jada’, except the Lord.
The splendid declaration of the Lord should be thought of, meditated upon, and realised by every seeker.
Question: Who is it that functions as the Cognising Intelligence in all bodies?
Answer: He is Lord Himself, Paramatma.
Question: Where does then Paramatma exist?
Answer: He exists in the heart of every being, as the eternal witness.
Question: Does He exist in certain bodies only?
Answer: No. In all kshetras,- man, animal, bird, reptile etc., he exists.
Question: What is the nature of the Lord?
Answer: He is not a ‘jada’, or nothingness. He is pure intelligence. So He is the one kshetrajna in all beings.
Question: What is true Knowledge in the world?
Answer: That knowledge which enables man to distinguish the body from the knower of the body, the ‘Drik’ from the ‘Drishya’ is true knowledge – That is the Lord’s declaration.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13
(35 Verses)