समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु तिष्ठन्तं परमेश्वरम् |
विनश्यत्स्वविनश्यन्तं य: पश्यति स पश्यति || 28||
samaṁ sarveṣhu bhūteṣhu tiṣhṭhantaṁ parameśhvaram
vinaśhyatsv avinaśhyantaṁ yaḥ paśhyati sa paśhyati
samam—equally; sarveṣhu—in all; bhūteṣhu—beings; tiṣhṭhan-tam—accompanying; parama-īśhvaram—Supreme Soul; vinaśhyatsu—amongst the perishable; avinaśhyantam—the imperishable; yaḥ—who; paśhyati—see; saḥ—they; paśhyati—perceive
He who sees the Supreme Lord abiding alike in all beings, and not perishing when they perish— verily he alone sees.
Paramatma is present in all beings equally. It is not that He is more present in some and less present in others. He is like the string inside a garland of flowers.
The supreme Lord is present in all equally.
avinasyantam: The vehicles of the body, Prana, mind etc., perish at the time of death. But Atma, the Lord is indestructible. He exists. It is clear that the whole of the objective world perishes and the Drik, Atma, the Lord alone is eternal. Therefore to let go of the bond of attachment to the perishable things, and to strengthen the firm hold of the Lord, is the duty of all thoughtful men.
yah pasyati sa pasyati: The physical eyes are formed to see material things only. They cannot see any thing more. But the vision of the seer goes deeper and discovers the eternal principle of life, the Supreme Lord, in the midst of the destruction of phenomenal nature. It is the eye of Knowledge that sees Atma, the Lord. He alone sees, because he sees the truth. All others, though having eyes, do not see the truth whatever their power and position, wealth and beauty may be. So, the aspirants should open the inner eye of knowledge, see the truth and become fearless of death. They would realise that what is perishing is only the body, and the Lord, Atma is Eternal, pure and perfect. This knowledge alone saves man from the terrors of death.
Question: Where is Paramatma?
Answer: In all beings.
Question: How?
Answer: Equally in all beings.
Question: What is the nature of the body etc., ?
Answer: The body, Prana and mind are subject to death.
Question: What is the nature of Atma?
Answer: It is Immortal; Though the body and other vehicles die, it exists.
Question: Who is the real seer?
Answer: Who knows that Atma exists, in the midst of the perishing phenomenal world, he is the real seer, because he has opened the eye of Knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13
(35 Verses)