अन्ये त्वेवमजानन्त: श्रुत्वान्येभ्य उपासते |
तेऽपि चातितरन्त्येव मृत्युं श्रुतिपरायणा: || 26||
anye tv evam ajānantaḥ śhrutvānyebhya upāsate
te ’pi chātitaranty eva mṛityuṁ śhruti-parāyaṇāḥ
anye—others; tu—still; evam—thus; ajānantaḥ—those who are unaware (of spiritual paths); śhrutvā—by hearing; anyebhyaḥ—from others; upāsate—begin to worship; te—they; api—also; cha—and; atitaranti—cross over; eva—even; mṛityum—death; śhruti-parāyaṇāḥ—devotion to hearing (from saints)
And there are yet some who do not know It by these means. They hear of It from others and worship. They too pass beyond death through their devotion to what they have heard.
It is declared that those people who are not able to practise the above-mentioned yogas cross over samsara by listening to experienced elders and worshipping according to their instructions.
ajanantah: Though these people do not have knowledge of yoga, study, and enlightenment, yet by the very power of their faith and devotion to the teaching of elders, they cross over the ocean of death. One may not be an expert in medical science, and yet by taking medicine prescribed by the doctor with faith and conviction, the disease is cured! Even the doctor has to take medicine to cure himself of any disease. His knowledge of medicine does not cure him. Therefore the word “upasate” is used emphatically here. Mere scholarship or mere hearing is not enough. Actual worship is essential. No doubt, it is good to have knowledge and understanding of the Sastras. What is implied here is that, if a person does not possess this form of equipment, he need not be disheartened.
He can hear of God, the ways of God, the path to reach Him, from experienced elders and act accordingly. That is enough to take him over samsara if he has faith in their words and worships with devotion and conviction. He verily crosses over death. There is no doubt about it.
mrityum: Death is used here as a synonym for the bondage of samsara. All the so-called attractions of life are transient and end in death. So the wise man should not have any attachment to them. What he should aspire for is immortality by self-realisation.
Question: What is the way for the unlearned to cross-over death?
Answer: They should hear of the Truth from others, and practising it they are saved from death.
Question: What is the nature of Samsara?
Answer: It is transient and ends in death.
Question: How can man cross over death?
Answer: By hearing of truth from experienced elders and practising it.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 13
(35 Verses)