- Can you not see the power of lust and unholiness, that is eating into the very vitals of Society?[Source]
- He who can stem the tide of lust and anger is a great Yogi.[Source]
- Is it possible that one would serve the path of lust and wealth and understand Shri Ramakrishna aright at the same time? Or will it ever be possible? [Source]
- It is true that by dancing and jumping, etc. through a momentary impulse, that power is made to course upwards, but it is never enduring. On the contrary when it traces back its course, it rouses violent lust in the individual. Listening to my lectures in America, through temporary excitement many among the audience used to get into an ecstatic state, and some would even become motionless like statues. But on inquiry I afterwards found that many of them had an excess of the carnal instinct immediately after that state. But this happens simply owing to a lack of steady practice in meditation and concentration.[Source]
- It is true that the mind can never turn to God until the desire for lust and wealth has gone from it, be the man a householder or a Sannyâsin.[Source]
- Let us work without desire for name or fame or rule over others. Let us be free from the triple bonds of lust, greed of gain, and anger. And this truth is with us![Source]
- Men being fettered by base lust-and-wealth cannot enjoy that Bliss of Brahman.[Source]
- Put away lust and wealth. Sacrifice yourselves.[Source]
- Sannyasins are on the path of renunciation, they have taken the field, at least, to fight for the goal; but householders, on the other hand, having no knowledge as yet of the danger that comes through lust and greed, do not even attempt to realise the Self; that they must struggle to get rid of these is an idea that has not yet entered their minds.[Source]
- Shall India die? Then from the world all spirituality will be extinct…in its place will reign the duality of lust and luxury….[Source]
- The threefold bondage of lust and gold and fame is, as it were, fallen from me for the time being…[Source]
- Think always, “I am ever-pure, ever-knowing, and ever-free; how can I do anything evil? Can I ever be befooled like ordinary men with the insignificant charms of lust and wealth?” Strengthen the mind with such thoughts. This will surely bring real good.[Source]
- …this is a very queer world, where even the World-Gods Brahmâ and Vishnu find it difficult to evade the clutches of lust and gold.[Source]
- Unless and until the mind is completely given to God, no external check can completely obliterate Lust.[Source] (Bhagavad Gita 2.59)
- When abstraction is reached lust dies and there is only love.[Source]
- Where and when have you heard that a man being the slave of lust and wealth has been able to liberate another or to show the path of God to him? Without himself free, how can he make others free? [Source]
- Without renunciation, without burning dispassion for sense-objects, without turning away from wealth and lust as from filthy abomination— “न सिध्यति ब्रह्मशतान्तरेऽपि—never can one attain salvation even in hundreds of Brahma’s cycles”.[Source]
- Where you find the attraction for lust and wealth considerably diminished, to whatever creed he may belong, know that his inner spirit is awakening.[Source]
- You must persevere. You must take off your mind from lust and lucre.[Source]
- You race of cowards — physical, moral, and spiritual! You animals fit to be treated as you are with two ideas before you — lust and money.[Source]
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