आहारस्त्वपि सर्वस्य त्रिविधो भवति प्रिय: |
यज्ञस्तपस्तथा दानं तेषां भेदमिमं शृणु || 7||
āhāras tv api sarvasya tri-vidho bhavati priyaḥ
yajñas tapas tathā dānaṁ teṣhāṁ bhedam imaṁ śhṛiṇu
āhāraḥ—food; tu—indeed; api—even; sarvasya—of all; tri-vidhaḥ—of three kinds; bhavati—is; priyaḥ—dear; yajñaḥ—sacrifice; tapaḥ—austerity; tathā—and; dānam—charity; teṣhām—of them; bhedam—distinctions; imam—this; śhṛiṇu—hear
Even the food that is dear to all is of the three kinds. Likewise are the sacrifices, austerities, and gifts. Hear now the distinctions between them.
It is to be noted that the Lord first takes up the threefold kinds of food dear to the three types of men. In spiritual sadhana, food is of great importance, because the mind is formed by the food that is taken. Pure food develops the pure mind, and the pure mind easily grasps the spiritual truth. So all the seekers should be extremely careful about their food.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 17
(28 Verses)