तदित्यनभिसन्धाय फलं यज्ञतप:क्रिया: |
दानक्रियाश्च विविधा: क्रियन्ते मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभि: || 25||
tad ity anabhisandhāya phalaṁ yajña-tapaḥ-kriyāḥ
dāna-kriyāśh cha vividhāḥ kriyante mokṣha-kāṅkṣhibhiḥ
tat—the syllable Tat; iti—thus; anabhisandhāya—without desiring; phalam—fruitive rewards; yajña—sacrifice; tapaḥ—austerity; kriyāḥ—acts; dāna—charity; kriyāḥ—acts; cha—and; vividhāḥ—various; kriyante—are done; mokṣha-kāṅkṣhibhiḥ—by seekers of freedom from material entanglements
And with the utterance of “Tat,” and without seeking any recompense, are the various acts of sacrifice, austerity, and gift performed by those who seek liberation.
It is declared here that the seekers of liberation, perform acts of sacrifice, charity and austerity, without seeking for their fruit. Thus performed without any longing for personal rewards, these acts purify the mind and pave the way for Moksha. The renunciation of the fruits of actions is one of the main tenets of the Gita, and it is absolutely the pre-condition for Self realisation.
Moreover, we understand that the aspirants of Moksha should perform all these acts of sacrifice, and charity, while remaining unconcerned about their fruit. These acts are not to be abandoned, because they are helpful to purify the mind, and to reach the goal of liberation. The Lord insists on action as the purifying agent indispensable for spiritual realisation. The same idea is repeated in the next discourse also
Yajna dana tapah karma
na tyajyam kāryam eva tat (18.5)
Some are of the view that no good acts should be done because even good acts bind man. The teacher of the Gita does not subscribe to this view. On the other hand, He emphasises that good acts should not be abandoned; they should be performed. Therefore, the seekers of liberation should undertake all good actions like sacrifice, charity, austarity etc., purify themselves, and attain Brahmajnana.
Question: How should the seekers of liberation act?
Answer: Uttering the name of Brahman (OM) they should perform all acts of sacrifice, austerity and charity.
Question: What about the fruit of action?
Answer: They do not seek it.
Question: So, what is the way to Moksha?
Answer: Uttering the sacred designation of Brahman (OM Tat Sat) and performing righteous acts of Yajna, dana, etc. without desire for their fruit, is the way to liberation. Having acquired purity by renunciation of the fruits of action, they attain Brahmajnana.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 17
(28 Verses)