ॐ तत्सदिति निर्देशो ब्रह्मणस्त्रिविध: स्मृत: |
ब्राह्मणास्तेन वेदाश्च यज्ञाश्च विहिता: पुरा || 23||
oṁ tat sad iti nirdeśho brahmaṇas tri-vidhaḥ smṛitaḥ
brāhmaṇās tena vedāśh cha yajñāśh cha vihitāḥ purā
om tat sat—syllables representing aspects of transcendence; iti—thus; nirdeśhaḥ—symbolic representatives; brahmaṇaḥ—the Supreme Absolute Truth; tri-vidhaḥ—of three kinds; smṛitaḥ—have been declared; brāhmaṇāḥ—the priests; tena—from them; vedāḥ—scriptures; cha—and; yajñāḥ—sacrifice; cha—and; vihitāḥ—came about; purā—from the beginning of creation
“Om Tat Sat”— this has been declared as the threefold designation of Brahman. By means of it were created, at the beginning, the Brāhmins, the Vedas, and the Sacrifices.
Though Brahman has no name and form, yet for the comprehension and worship of the devotees the threefold designation, Om Tat Sat has been declared. Through these names, Brahman the goal is thought of and meditated. Since these three sounds stand for Brahman, they contain absolute purity and power, as Mantra. In the Vedas and the Sastras, the Pranava and other associated Mantras have been explained for the benefit of all spiritual aspirants.
Tasya Vachakah pranavah:
Om is the sound symbol of Paramatma
Tajjapas tadartha Bhavanam (Patanjali)
“The name (Om) should be uttered repeatedly and its meaning should be deeply contemplated.” – If there are any errors and mistakes in the practice of Karma (Yajna, Japa, Dhyana etc.) all of by them are rectified by the utterance of these three symbols of Brahman Om Tat Sat. Therefore, the utterance of Om has become the practice at the beginning of any form of Karma. Every Mantra has the symbol Om prefixed to it. But when the symbols Om Tat Sat are uttered, their meaning should be kept in mind, and the Supreme Brahman should be meditated through these symbols. All mantras acquire power when their meaning and significance are clearly contemplated in the mind.
It is declared that Vedas and Yajnas were created from this triple designation (Om Tat Sat). So it is the origin, the source of the Vedas. The very essence of all the Vedas is, as it were, distilled into that one symbol ‘Om’. So, the utterance of this sacred syllable is equal to the study of all the Vedas.
Another interpretation for Om Tat Sat – Om: Para Brahman; Tat: That (Brahman alone); Sat: is (reality) Everything else in the entire objective universe is only a shadow unreal (Mithya).
Therefore the Mantra Om Tat Sat implies the very highest truth of all the Vedas and the Sastras – Brahma satyam jagan mithya (Brahman is real, the universe is unreal). Thus the aspirants should utter this unique Mantra, contemplate the reality of Brahman, reject the unreal world, and develop dispassion and knowledge. They should firmly establish themselves in Brahman, the only reality.
Two meanings could be given to Om Tat Sat as follows:
1. Om: Brahman (is); Tat: that (Brahman); Sat: Reality;
2. Tat: that; Sat: Reality; Om: (is) Brahman.
Question: What is the triple designation of Brahman?
Answer: Om, Tat, Sat.
Question: What is its power?
Answer: From that (Brahman) were created Brahmanas (Brahmajnanis), the Vedas, and the Yajnas.
Question: What therefore is the source of the Vedas etc.?
Answer: Brahman designated by the sound symbol Om.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 17
(28 Verses)