In this article we’ll make a collection of Swami Vivekananda‘s quotations on The Lord.

- All are manifestations of the same Lord.[Source]
- Be holy — trust in the Lord, depend on Him always, and you are on the right track; nothing can prevail against you.[Source]
- Do not want this world, because what you desire you get. Seek the Lord and the Lord only.[Source]
- Glory unto the Lord — march on, the Lord is our General.[Source]
- Glory unto the Lord, we will succeed.[Source]
- He, the Lord of the universe, is in every one.[Source]
- Is the Lord to be hoodwinked by idle talk?[Source]
- In life and in death, in happiness and in misery, the Lord is equally present.[Source]
- In this body, He resides, the Lord of souls and the King of kings.[Source]
- Is not the Lord infinitely greater than all human help?[Source]
- It is the Lord who protects His children in the depths of the sea.[Source]
- Only the Lord is unchangeable and He is Love.[Source]
- So says Krishna in the Gita: The Lord is the only One who never changes. His love never fails. Wherever we are and whatever we do, He is ever and ever the same merciful, the same loving heart. He never changes, He is never angry, whatever we do.[Source]
- Seek the Lord and getting Him we get all.[Source]
- Seek the Lord and the Lord only.[Source]
- The goldness of gold, the silverness of silver, the manhood of man, the womanhood of woman, the reality of everything is the Lord — and that this Lord we are trying to realise from time without beginning in the objective, and in the attempt throwing up such “queer” creatures of our fancy as man, woman, child, body, mind, the earth, sun, moon, stars, the world, love, hate, property, wealth, etc.; also ghosts, devils, angels and gods, God etc.[Source]
- The Lord be praised, I know nothing.[Source]
- The Lord Himself works incessantly and is ever without attachment.[Source]
- The Lord is all blissfulness. He is the reality behind all that exists, He is the goodness, the truth in everything.[Source]
- The Lord is great. I know He will help me.[Source]
- The Lord is great. We will succeed, my boy. We must. Blessed be His name![Source]
- The Lord is the only Giver, all the men in the world are only shopkeepers. Get His cheque, and it must be honoured everywhere.[Source]
- The Lord is the wealth of those who have nothing.[Source]
- The Lord provides everything.[Source]
- The Lord will guide, in His own time.[Source]
- “The mind must always think of the Lord.” It is very hard at first to compel the mind to think of the Lord always, but with every new effort the power to do so grows stronger in us. “By practice, O son of Kunti, and by non-attachment is it attained”, says Shri Krishna in the Gita.[Source]
- The whole world is full of the Lord. Open your eyes and see Him.[Source]
- The will of Vishweshwara, the Lord of the universe, will prevail — whatever that may be.[Source]
- This is the world my brother — this illusion of Mâyâ — the Lord alone is true.[Source]
- To him who has nothing in the universe the Lord comes.[Source]
- We have to cover everything with the Lord Himself, not by a false sort of optimism.[Source]
- Whatever comes to you is but the Lord, the Eternal, the Blessed One, appearing to us in various forms, as our father, and mother, and friend, and child — they are our own soul playing with us.[Source]