Satprakashananda, Swami (Harish Maharaj)—Disciple of Swami Brahmananda, born at Dhaka (April 1888), post-graduation from Calcutta University. Saw Swamiji at Dhaka (1901). Joined the Order at the Dhaka Math (1924), ordained into sannyasa by Swami Shivananda at Varanasi (1927). Joint-editor of the Prabuddha Bharata at the Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, head of the Delhi centre (1931-36). Sent to America (1936) to disseminate Vedanta. Founded the Vedanta Society of St. Louis (1938) and Minister-in-Charge there until death on 25.11.1979.
Works: Ethics and Religion, Methods of Knowledge according to Advaita Vedanta, Meditation: Its Process, Practise and Culmination; Hinduism and Christianity; The Significance of Sri Ramakrishna’s Life and Message in the Present Age, The Goal and the Way; The Vedantic Approach to Life’s Problems; The Universe, God and God Realization; Swami Vivekananda’s Contribution to the Present Age; How is a Man Reborn?, etc.