दम्भो दर्पोऽभिमानश्च क्रोध: पारुष्यमेव च |
अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम् || 4||
dambho darpo ’bhimānaśh cha krodhaḥ pāruṣhyam eva cha
ajñānaṁ chābhijātasya pārtha sampadam āsurīm
dambhaḥ—hypocrisy; darpaḥ—arrogance; abhimānaḥ—conceit; cha—and; krodhaḥ—anger; pāruṣhyam—harshness; eva—certainly; cha—and; ajñānam—ignorance; cha—and; abhijātasya—of those who possess; pārtha—Arjun, the son of Pritha; sampadam—qualities; āsurīm—demoniac
O Arjuna! Pretension, pride, self-conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance belong to those who are born with demonical nature.
The wise value the good qualities described as Daivisampat and try to cultivate them in their life. Opposed to this, men of demonical nature embrace the wicked qualities mentioned in this verse. That is why they are spoken of as Asurasamapat. Really speaking, the demonical state is not sampat (treasure) at all. And yet people are so deluded that they hug these wicked qualities and think of themselves as great men. The Lord mentions six qualities of the demonical nature. They are elaborately discussed in this discourse. In the great war with Maya, it is necessary to know and understand the power of the enemy forces as well as the forces of one’s own. Only then it would be possible to wage successful war with the enemy. If anybody wants to live in a house, he should first of all clean it of the dust, cobwebs and other foul things, and then light some scented sticks to purify the atmosphere. So also, man should keep the body pure, the foul things in it should be ejected and nourishing food should be taken in. In the same manner, purity of mind should be cultivated by abandoning the bad qualities which have been possessing the heart for a long time in one’s ignorant state. The removal of vicious taints from nature and the formation of healthy patterns of character and conduct, is the duty of all men.
Dambhah: Pretension is mentioned as the captain of the enemy forces (Asurasampat). The inclination to appear bigger and greater than what one is, is natural to all common people. This tendency should be checked completely as it stands directly in the way of the seeker, whose aim is to know the real Self, and not masquerade under a false grab. Such pretension may cheat the world but not Paramatma, who is ever-present in the heart and observing every movement of the mind and the body. So this demonical quality should be eradicated. If honour and position come to anyone, he should consider it to be the grace of God, and remain humble. Besides this, Krodha (wrath) should be abandoned completely. The man of Divine nature is free from wrath. He should be gentle in word and deed. Starting with Dambha the asuric nature ends with ignorance ajnana, as the last. Out of ignorance grows the demonical nature with all its evil qualities.
Question: What are the qualities of the Demonical nature?
Answer: They are six: 1. Pretension, 2. pride, 3. self conceit, 4. hatred, 5. harshness, 6. ignorance.
Question: How should one deal with these?
Answer: They should be rejected and totally eradicated from the mind.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16
(24 Verses)