य: शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारत: |
न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम् || 23||
yaḥ śhāstra-vidhim utsṛijya vartate kāma-kārataḥ
na sa siddhim avāpnoti na sukhaṁ na parāṁ gatim
yaḥ—who; śhāstra-vidhim—scriptural injunctions; utsṛijya—discarding; vartate—act; kāma-kārataḥ—under the impulse of desire; na—neither; saḥ—they; siddhim—perfection; avāpnoti—attain; na—nor; sukham—happiness; na—nor; parām—the supreme; gatim—goal
He who discards the injunctions of the scriptures and acts upon the impulse of desire attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the Supreme Goal.
Indisciplined conduct under the impulse of one’s own desires and passions is condemned here. We come across people who act in their own way and try to make a philosophy out of it. This is wrong. It is only a mask to cover up their own unbridled passions and evil desires. They deny the authority of the Sastras, because they are deluded by ignorance and agitated by sensual desires. The Sastras embody the laws of life both secular and spiritual, which have been discovered after long research into the meaning and purpose of human life by the greatest of men, the Rishis, whose only aim was the welfare of humanity. They stated the laws following which man attains the best things in secular life and the highest goal in spiritual life. So, every true seeker should test his way of life, his thoughts, feelings and actions by referring them to the scriptural laws. Where they do not conform to the Sastras, they should be checked and restrained, and right methods should be adopted. The Lord declares that no good can be achieved by acting contrary to the commands of the Sastras, because the Sastras express the will of God. So, the seekers should carefully study the Sastras and mould their life accordingly, so that they can secure both worldly happiness and spiritual realisation.
Question: What is the rule of conduct for man?
Answer: The laws of the scriptures.
Question: How should man act?
Answer: He should act according to scriptural ordinances.
Question: What will happen if man acts contrary to the laws of the Sastras?
Answer: He cannot attain either worldly happiness or spiritual realisation.
Question: What then is the way to happiness and spiritual welfare?
Answer: Follwing the scriptures.
Question: What is the highest goal of humanity?
Answer: Moksha (perfection).
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16
(24 Verses)