गामाविश्य च भूतानि धारयाम्यहमोजसा |
पुष्णामि चौषधी: सर्वा: सोमो भूत्वा रसात्मक: || 13||
gām āviśhya cha bhūtāni dhārayāmy aham ojasā
puṣhṇāmi chauṣhadhīḥ sarvāḥ somo bhūtvā rasātmakaḥ
gām—earth; āviśhya—permeating; cha—and; bhūtāni—living beings; dhārayāmi—sustain; aham—I; ojasā—energy; puṣhṇāmi—nourish; cha—and; auṣhadhīḥ—plants; sarvāḥ—all; somaḥ—the moon; bhūtvā—becoming; rasa-ātmakaḥ—supplying the juice of life
Entering the earth, I sustain all beings by My energy, and becoming the sapid moon, I nourish all herbs.
Ojasa dharayami: The energy that is anywhere exhibited by any being is derived from the Lord Himself. The whole world is sustained by His all-pervading energy (sakti). The ignorant may ascribe that energy to themselves, but the wise know that it is all the Lord’s inexhaustible power exhibiting through the multitudinous begins of the universe. From this declaration of the Lord, we come to know that Sri Krishna, the Charioteer of Arjuna, is not simply the child of Devaki (a little ‘upadhi’ like innumerable other beings), but the all-pervading, all-supporting Paramatma. Moreover, the food one eats is nourished by the Lord’s energy, permeating the world. Without Him, there would be no food for man. So when man feeds himself he should remember the Lord from whom the food has come to him. He is the mightiest producer and also distributor. He is the giver of the food. Should we not be grateful to Lord? Should we not offer to the Lord what belongs to Him? Eating is not animal-activity, but divine work, if one knows the secret of the Lord’s indivisible hand in its production. So also, if the light of the sun and the moon is not there, the universe would be plunged in darkness. It is the light of Paramatma that shines through the Sun, Moon and Fire. Man’s life has become possible by the immeasurable energy (sakti) of the Lord. He is the supporter, the nourisher, and the dispenser. May people remember it always and remain steadfast in their love and devotion to Him.
Question: How does the Lord help mankind?
Answer: He permeates the earth and sustains all beings with His energy (sakti). He becomes the watery moon and nourishes the plants and herbs.
Question: What then is the duty of man?
Answer: He should remember the Lord in all the activities of life, by Japa, Dhyana, Samkirtan and worship.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 15
(20 Verses)