यदादित्यगतं तेजो जगद्भासयतेऽखिलम् |
यच्चन्द्रमसि यच्चाग्नौ तत्तेजो विद्धि मामकम् || 12||
yad āditya-gataṁ tejo jagad bhāsayate ’khilam
yach chandramasi yach chāgnau tat tejo viddhi māmakam
yat—which; āditya-gatam—in the sun; tejaḥ—brilliance; jagat—solar system; bhāsayate—illuminates; akhilam—entire; yat—which; chandramasi—in the moon; yat—which; cha—also; agnau—in the fire; tat—that; tejaḥ—brightness; viddhi—know; māmakam—Mine
The light that is in the sun and illumines the whole universe, the light that is in the moon and is likewise in fire— know that light to be Mine.
The Lord declares that the sun and the moon and the fire shine by His Light. They have borrowed His Light. Thus when we see the illumination of the various objects in the world, we should be filled with deep adoration for the Lord, whose glory is expressing itself in these mighty and spectacular manifestations.
Some elements have the power of illuminating others. The pot is not luminous; it shines by the reflected light of the sun. The tree is not luminous, it shines by the reflected light of the Sun. The Sun, the Moon, and the Fire have the powers of light. They shine and cause other objects to shine. But whence is the light of the Sun, the Moon and the Fire? The Lord answers that it is His Light that is shining in the Sun, the Moon, and the Fire. Paramatma alone is the One Light, and that is reflected through different media like the Sun, the Moon and the Fire. This should be clearly understood by the aspirants. Paramatma is Self-luminous; He is Light itself.
Question: What is the nature of the Light residing in the Sun, the Moon. and the Fire?
Answer: It is the Paramatma. It is the Divine Light of the Supreme Brahman.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 15
(20 Verses)