वैद्युतेनैव ततः, तच्छ्रुतेः ॥ ६ ॥ vaidyutenaiva tataḥ, tacchruteḥ || 6 || vaidyutena—By (the superhuman) guide connected with lightning; eva—alone; tataḥ—from thence; tat-śruteḥ—that being …
Brahma Sutra 4.3.5
उभयव्यामोहात्तत्सिद्धेः ॥ ५ ॥ ubhayavyāmohāttatsiddheḥ || 5 || ubhaya-vyāmohāt—From the benumbed state of both; tat-siddheḥ— that is established. 5. (That deities are meant in those …
A Ghost Sought a Companion
A GHOST sought a companion. It is said that a man who dies on a Saturday or Tuesday becomes ghost, Therefore, whenever the ghost saw anybody fall from a roof or stumble and faint on the road on either …
Brahma Sutra 4.3.4
आतिवाहिकाः, तल्लिङ्गात् ॥ ४ ॥ ātivāhikāḥ, talliṅgāt || 4 || ātivāhikāḥ—(These are) deities conducting the soul; tat-liṅgāt—on account of indicatory marks of that. 4. (These are) deities …
Prashna Upanishad 3.3
आत्मन एष प्राणो जायते । यथैषा पुरुषेछायैतस्मिन्नेतदाततंमनोकृतेनायात्यस्मिञ्शरीरे ॥ ३.३॥ ātmana eṣa prāṇo jāyate . yathaiṣā puruṣechāyaitasminnetadātataṃmanokṛtenāyātyasmiñśarīre .. 3.3.. This …
Brahma Sutra 4.3.3
तडितोऽधि वरुणः संबन्धात् ॥ ३ ॥ taḍito’dhi varuṇaḥ saṃbandhāt || 3 || taḍito’dhi—After the deity of lightning; varuṇaḥ—(comes) Varuna (rain-god); saṃbandhāt—on account of the connection. 3. …