In this article we’ll make a collection of Swami Vivekananda‘s quotes and comments on growth.
Swami Vivekananda’s quotes on growth
Swami Vivekananda told—
- Each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth.[Source]
- Every one acts according to his own nature. We are all in process of growth.[Source]
- Freedom is the only condition of growth; take that off, the result is degeneration.[Source]
- Growth must proceed from within.[Source]
- In giving education to a child the law of growth has to be obeyed.[Source]
- Individuals have each their own peculiarities, and each man has his own method of growth.[Source]
- Liberty is the first condition of growth.[Source]
- Society is only a stage of growth through which we are passing.[Source]
- Take off all ideas of growth from your mind. With the idea of growth is associated something coming from outside, something extraneous, which would give the lie to the truth that the Infinite which lies latent in every life is independent of all external conditions. It can never grow; It was always there, and only manifests Itself.[Source]
- The body is subject to the law of growth and decay; what grows must of necessity decay.[Source]
- The different stages of growth are absolutely necessary to the attainment of purity and perfection.[Source]
- The seed is put in the ground, and earth and air and water are placed around it. Does the seed become the earth; or the air, or the water? No. It becomes a plant, it develops after the law of its own growth, assimilates the air, the earth, and the water, converts them into plant substance, and grows into a plant.[Source]
- The tree receives support and shelter from the hedge that surrounds it when young; but unless the hedge is removed, the growth and strength of that tree will be hindered.[Source]
- The whole process of growth is de-hypnotisation.[Source]
- There cannot be any growth without liberty.[Source]
- Things must be a growth from within.[Source]
- What is life but growth, i.e. expansion, i.e. love?[Source]
- You are quite wrong when you think that fighting is a sign of growth. It is not so at all. Absorption is the sign.[Source]
- You must remember that freedom is the first condition of growth. What you do not make free, will never grow. The idea that you can make others grow and help their growth, that you can direct and guide them, always retaining for yourself the freedom of the teacher, is nonsense, a dangerous lie which has retarded the growth of millions and millions of human beings in this world. Let men have the light of liberty. That is the only condition of growth.[Source]
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