- After attaining the knowledge of non-duality (advaita jnana) comes spiritually awakened consciousness (chaitanya). Then one sees that God alone exists in all things as Consciousness. After this realization comes ananda (bliss). Advaita, Chaitanya, and Nityananda.
- Whatever the pleasure and pain of the body may be, a devotee’s spiritual knowledge, the wealth of his love and devotion for God, endures. This treasure is never lost. Just see what calamities the Pandavas suffered! But they never once, in all their troubles, lost their spiritual consciousness. Where can you find such men of knowledge and devotion?
- When the consciousness within is awakened, the Universal Consciousness is realized.
- Those who are illumined, who have realized that the Lord is the only reality and all else is unreal and ephemeral. They know that the Lord alone does everything and that we are all non-doers.
- Some people may become illumined. They have a special mark: they don’t like to hear anything but words about the Lord. They don’t like to talk of anything but of the Lord. Take, for example, the seven seas, the rivers of the Ganges and the Jamuna – they are all full of water. But the chatak bird wants only the raindrop.
- Shivanath said, ‘Too much contemplation on the Lord makes one lose one’s head.’ I rejoined, ‘What do you mean? Can one ever become unconscious by thinking of Consciousness? He is the nature of Eternity, Purity and Consciousness, through whose power of perception one perceives everything and through whose Consciousness all is made conscious.’
- I am asking myself not to say this to everyone: ‘May you be illumined!’ During the age of Kali, people are so sinful! I have to take the burden of their sins upon myself.
Spiritual Awakening-consciousness
- A man has no desire to know all these useless details when he develops spiritual awakening, when he knows God.
- Fix your mind on God. You will attain spiritual awakening. Even a momentary communion with God gives liberation.
- Rice is boiling in a pot. Eggplant and potatoes are bobbing up and down in it. A little boy seeing them says, ‘The eggplant and potatoes are dancing.’ He doesn’t know that there is fire underneath. People say that the sense organs do their work of themselves. They don’t know that inside dwells God, whose very nature is consciousness.