तद्य इत्थं विदुः। ये चेमेऽरण्ये श्रद्धा तप इत्युपासते तेऽर्चिषमभिसंभवन्त्यर्चिषोऽहरह्न आपूर्यमाणपक्षमापूर्यमाणपक्षाद्यान्षडुदङ्ङेति मासांस्तान् ॥ ५.१०.१ ॥
मासेभ्यः संवत्सरं संवत्सरादादित्यमादित्याच्चन्द्रमसं चन्द्रमसो विद्युतं तत्पुरुषोऽमानवः स एनान्ब्रह्म गमयत्येष देवयानः पन्था इति ॥ ५.१०.२ ॥tadya itthaṃ viduḥ| ye ceme’raṇye śraddhā tapa ityupāsate te’rciṣamabhisaṃbhavantyarciṣo’harahna āpūryamāṇapakṣamāpūryamāṇapakṣādyānṣaḍudaṅṅeti māsāṃstān || 5.10.1 ||
māsebhyaḥ saṃvatsaraṃ saṃvatsarādādityamādityāccandramasaṃ candramaso vidyutaṃ tatpuruṣo’mānavaḥ sa enānbrahma gamayatyeṣa devayānaḥ panthā iti || 5.10.2 ||1-2. Those who know this [about the five fires], and those who live in the forest practising austerities with faith—they go after death to the world of light. From the world of light they go to the world of day; from the world of day to the world of the bright fortnight; from the world of the bright fortnight to the six months when the sun moves northward; from there they go to the year; from the year to the sun; from the sun to the moon; and from the moon to lightning. There someone, not human, receives them and leads them to brahmaloka. This is the path of the gods.
Word-for-word explanation:
Tat ye viduḥ, those who know this [i.e., about the five fires]; ittham, thus; ye ca ime, and these people who; araṇye, in the forest; śraddhā tapaḥ iti upāsate, practise austerities with faith; te arciṣam abhisambhavanti, they become [attain] light; arciṣaḥ, from light; ahaḥ, to the day; ahnaḥ, from the day; āpūryamāṇapakṣam, to the bright fortnight; āpūryamāṇapakṣāt, from the bright fortnight; yān ṣaṭ māsān, to the six months; udan eti, [when the sun] moves to the north; tān, to that; māsebhyaḥ, from those months; saṃvatsaram, to the year; saṃvatsarāt, from the year; ādityam, to the sun; ādityāt, from the sun; candramasam, to the moon; candramasaḥ, from the moon; vidyutam, to lightning; tat, there; puruṣaḥ, a person [existing there]; amānavaḥ, not human; enān, those [human beings]; saḥ gamayati, leads; brahma, to brahmaloka; eṣaḥ devayānaḥ panthāḥ iti, this is the path of the gods
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