Om! May my speech be based on (i.e. accord with) the mind;May my mind be based on speech.O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me.May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me.May …
Dhammapada, Verse 57 – The Story of Venerable Godhika
Pali text, illustration and English translation of Dhammapada verse 57: tesaṃ sampannasīlānaṃ appamādavihārinaṃ |sammadaññā vimuttānaṃ māro maggaṃ na vindati || 57 || 57. Of those with …
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Bhavana Upanishad
Translated by Dr. A. G. Krishna WarrierPublished by The Theosophical Publishing House, Chennai Om! Gods! With ears let us hear what is good;Adorable ones! With eyes let us see what is good.With …
Dhammapada, Verse 56 – The Story of Monk Mahākassapa
Pali text, illustration and English translation of Dhammapada verse 56: appamatto ayaṃ gandho yāyaṃ tagaracandanī |yo ca sīlavataṃ gandho vāti devesu uttamo || 56 || 56. Faint is this …
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Ganapati Upanishad
Om! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship!May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,Praising them with our …
Sannyasa Upanishad
Om! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitalityAnd all the senses grow in strength.All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.Let there be no …