Self-control will come as a matter of course if one repeats God’s name constantly, and is earnest in spiritual endeavors. The name of God has such intrinsic power that all the internal and external …
December 7: Genuine Philanthropic Work
This spiritual path is not like a path to Kashmir or Kedar- Badri that I can tell you how much remains. If a spiritual aspirant progresses a little and asks how much further he must go, then that …
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Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.6
तं वा एतं देवा आत्मानमुपासते तस्मात्तेषां सर्वे च लोका आत्ताः सर्वे च कामाः स सर्वांश्च लोकानाप्नोति सर्वांश्च कामान्यस्तमात्मानमनुविद्य विजानातीति ह प्र्जापतिरुवाच प्रजापतिरुवाच ॥ ८.१२.६ ॥॥ इति …
December 6: God Is Our Inner Controller
If you are really ready to take the world's burden, take it by all means. But do not let us hear your groans and curses. Do not frighten us with your sufferings, so that we came to feel we were better …
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Chandogya Upanishad 8.12.5
अथ यो वेदेदं मन्वानीति सात्मा मनोऽस्य दैवं चक्षुः स वा एष एतेन दैवेन चक्षुषा मनसैतान्कामान्पश्यन्रमते य एते ब्रह्मलोके ॥ ८.१२.५ ॥ atha yo vededaṃ manvānīti sātmā mano'sya daivaṃ cakṣuḥ sa vā eṣa …
December 5: Gratefulness
As for you, my dear, noble, kind friend, I only would say this--we Indians lack in many things, but there is none on earth to beat us in gratefulness. (p.91, V.9, Complete Works of Swami …