पञ्चविंशक इत्येके षड्विश इति चापरे ।
एकत्रिंशक इत्याहुरनन्त इति चापरे ॥ २६ ॥pañcaviṃśaka ityeke ṣaḍviśa iti cāpare |
ekatriṃśaka ityāhurananta iti cāpare || 26 ||26. Some1 say that the Reality consists of twenty-five categories, others2 twenty-six, while there are others3 who conceive It as consisting of thirty-one categories and lastly people are not wanting who think such categories to be infinite.
Anandagiri Tika (glossary)
1 Some—i.e., the Sāṃkhyas according to whom the Reality consists of twenty-five categories, viz., Prakṛti, Mahat, Ahaṃkāra, five Tanmātras (subtle elements), five organs of perception, five organs of action, five objects, mind and the Puruṣa.
2 Others—i.e., the followers of Patañjali who add Īśvara to the categories of the Sāṃkhyas.
3 Others—i.e., the Pāsupatas who add to the categories of Sāṃkhyas six more, viz., Rāga, Avidyā, Kāla, Kalā, Māyā and Niyati.
The mutual contradictions among these different schools prove the fallacious character of their theories. The difference of opinion is due to the ignorance of the nature of Reality.