सुखविशिष्टाभिधानादेव च ॥ १५ ॥
sukhaviśiṣṭābhidhānādeva ca || 15 ||
sukhaviśiṣṭa-abhidhānāt—On account of the reference (to Brahman) distinguished by bliss; eva—verily; ca—and.
15. And verily on account of the reference (in the passage to Brahman) distinguished by bliss (mentioned at the beginning of the Prakarana).
“The vital energy is Brahman, bliss is Brahman, the ether is Brahman” (Chh. 4. 10. 5)—so taught the fires to Upakosala Kamalayana about Brahman, and this same Brahman is further elucidated by his teacher as “the person in the eye”.