त्वग्वै ग्रहः, स स्पर्शेनातिग्राहेण गृहीतः, त्वचा हि स्पर्शान्वेदयत—इत्येतेऽष्टौ ग्रहाः, अष्टावतिग्रहाः ॥ ९ ॥
tvagvai grahaḥ, sa sparśenātigrāheṇa gṛhītaḥ, tvacā hi sparśānvedayata—ityete’ṣṭau grahāḥ, aṣṭāvatigrahāḥ || 9 ||
9. The skin indeed is the Graha; it is controlled by the Atigraha, touch, for one feels touch through the skin. These are the eight Grahas and eight Atigrahas..
The rest is to be explained as before. These, the organs up to the skin, are the eight Grahas and the objects up to touch are the eight Atigrahas.