The masses will always have the person, the higher ones the principle; we want both. But principles are universal, not persons. Therefore stick to the principles he taught, let people think whatever they like of his person… Truce to all quarrels and jealousies and bigotry! These will spoil everything.
(p.362, C.W. Vol.6, Swamiji’s letter to Sarada (Swami Trigunatitananda) from New York on 14 April, 1896.)
Go on bravely. Do not expect success in a day or a year. Always hold on to the highest. Be steady. Avoid jealousy and selfishness. Be obedient and eternally faithful to the cause of truth, humanity, and your country and you will move the world. Remember it is the person, the life, which is the secret of power – nothing else.
(p.108, C.W. Vol.5, Swamiji’s letter to Dr. Nanjunda Rao from New York on 14 April, 1896.)
Very few people in this world are fortunate enough to get completely favourable conditions. Disease, grief, pain, and anxiety are constant companions in human life. Call on God in whatever circumstances you are; otherwise it is extremely difficult to make any progress in spiritual life.
(p.70, Spiritual Treasures, Letter from Swami Turiyananda from Kankhal on 14 June, 1914.)