- All actions drop off after samadhi. Actions like worship, japa, and all worldly activities drop off. In the beginning one is very active, but as a man advances towards God, the outer display of actions becomes less – so much so that even singing His names and glories ceases.
- After samadhi, a person usually dies. But some, like Narada, and avatars like Chaitanya Deva, live to instruct mankind.
- What happens when the mind ascends to the seventh plane cannot be described in words. Once a ship enters dark waters, it doesn’t return.
- On genuine realization that Brahman is real and the world illusory, the mind merges, and it experiences samadhi.
- In bhava man becomes speechless. His breathing stops – he automatically experiences suspension of breath, as happens when a man fires a gun. A marksman firing a bullet becomes speechless, and his breathing stops.
- When you have reasoned it out and attained samadhi, your ‘I’ vanishes. But this is very difficult. The ‘I’ never wants to disappear – and since it doesn’t, you have to return to this world again.