- All actions drop off after samadhi. Actions like worship, japa, and all worldly activities drop off. In the beginning one is very active, but as a man advances towards God, the outer display of actions becomes less – so much so that even singing His names and glories ceases.
- After samadhi, a person usually dies. But some, like Narada, and avatars like Chaitanya Deva, live to instruct mankind.
- What happens when the mind ascends to the seventh plane cannot be described in words. Once a ship enters dark waters, it doesn’t return.
- On genuine realization that Brahman is real and the world illusory, the mind merges, and it experiences samadhi.
- In bhava man becomes speechless. His breathing stops – he automatically experiences suspension of breath, as happens when a man fires a gun. A marksman firing a bullet becomes speechless, and his breathing stops.
- When you have reasoned it out and attained samadhi, your ‘I’ vanishes. But this is very difficult. The ‘I’ never wants to disappear – and since it doesn’t, you have to return to this world again.
- Gross, subtle, causal and Great Cause. When one reaches the Great Cause, it is all quiet. One cannot utter a word.
- One attains Brahmajnana in the state of samadhi – one has the vision of Brahman. In that state the process of thinking completely stops; one is struck dumb. Nobody has the power to explain Brahman in words.
- A salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. But it could provide no information. As soon as it went into the ocean, it dissolved. Who could give the report?
- After crossing over the maya of the universe and created beings, one reaches the Nitya. Passing beyond the sound nada, one attains samadhi. While practicing the spiritual discipline of repeating ‘Om,’ one goes beyond the nada sound and attains samadhi.
- In samadhi, the mind becomes merged with the Absolute. The jnani passes into Jada Samadhi – in it, I-consciousness vanishes. The samadhi experienced in bhakti yoga is called Chetana Samadhi. In it, one retains the ego of the servant and Master relationship, the ego of lover and Beloved, or the ego of enjoyer and Bliss.
- The joy that one feels after that experience equals the pain of separation before it. Mahabhava – that is, divine ecstasy – disturbs the body and the mind violently. It is like a big elephant pushing its way into a straw cottage. The whole house is shaken. It may even fall to pieces.
- The burning fire that one feels when one is separated from God is not ordinary. When Rupa and Sanatana sat under a tree in that state, the leaves of the tree became scorched. I lay unconscious for three days in that state. I could not move. I lay in one spot.
- My experiences are only for illustration. As for you, live in the world – but without attachment. Some mud will stick to your body, but you must wipe it off as a mudfish wipes off mud. You will swim in muddy waters – even then your body should not be stained.