- At the time of meditation, you must become absorbed in Him. Can you reach the precious stones at the bottom of the sea by floating on the surface?
- The heart is a well-known place, meditate on God there.
- When you have a toothache you attend to all your duties, but your mind remains attached to the toothache. In similar fashion, you can meditate with your eyes open – and also while talking.
- By meditating on God night and day, one sees Him everywhere. Just as after you concentrate on the flame of a lamp, you begin to see flames everywhere.
- Someone asked Hanuman the date of a particular day. Hanuman replied, ‘Brother, I neither know the day of the week, nor the date, nor the constellation of stars. I only meditate on Rama.’
- I have heard that anything is possible in His creation. So instead of worrying about these things, I only meditate on God. One day Hanuman was asked the date. He said, ‘I don’t know either the day or the position of the stars. I only contemplate Rama.’
- One acquires the nature of the ideal one meditates upon. By meditating on the Lord night and day, one attains His nature. A salt doll went to fathom the ocean; it became one with it.
- O my mind! Contemplate Krishna, who gives beauty to man. You will completely get rid of the fear of Yama. By contemplating Him, all anxieties and worries of the world vanish.
- Shivanath says, ‘Too much contemplation of God deranges one’s brain.’ He says, ‘By meditating on the universal consciousness, one loses consciousness.’ God is the very Self of consciousness! That one should lose the power of consciousness by meditating on Him through whose consciousness one is conscious of the world!
- By God’s consciousness even inert things gain consciousness – it is behind the movement of hands, feet and body. One says the body is moving, but doesn’t know that it is God who is moving it. One says that the hand has been scalded by water. The water does not scald anything. It is the heat in the water, the fire in the water, that scalds the hand.
- Such concentration is developed in meditation that a person sees nothing and hears nothing. He is not even aware of touch. A snake can wriggle over his body, but he does not know it – neither the one who is meditating, nor the snake, are aware of each other.
- The sense organs cease to function during deep meditation. The mind does not look outward. It is as if the door of the outermost room of the house is shut. There are five organs of sense – form, taste, smell, touch and speech – they are left outside.
- Do you know what one experiences in meditation? The mind becomes like a continuous flow of oil – one has just one thought, that of God. No other thought intrudes.