Swami Vivekananda Quiz January 1, 2021 By VivekaVani Welcome to your Swami Vivekananda Quiz Name Phone Number 1. In 1896 Swami Vivekananda started a monthly journal, which would become the voice of the Ramakrishna movement. What was it called? Vedanta Kesari Prabuddha Bharata Udbodhan Brahmavadin None 2. Swami Vivekananda’s mother made religious offerings to which deity in Varanasi, wishing that a son be born to her? KashiVishwanath Vireswara Shiva Gaya Vishnu Kashi Annapurna c] Gaya None 3. In which city did Vivekānanda found the first US Vedānta Society in January 1896? Boston San Francisco New York Chicago None 4. When Naren was not getting a job and went through many struggles in his life, what did he do? He prayed to God for a miracle. He sat down brooding over and analyzed why life had taken such a difficult turn. He gave up and wanted to end his life. He had faith in himself and found the strength to carry on. None 5. During 1888-1893 Swami Vivekananda travelled throughout India. Three things were his only companion. Kamandal, Bhagavad Gita and ________. Ashesh of Sri Ramakrishna's remains His Mother's Shawl The Book "Imitation of Christ" A trishul (trident) None 6. Who said Swami Vivekanada is "the maker of modern India"? Rajendra Prasad Mahatma Gandhi Shubhash Chandra Bose Jawahar Lal Nehru None 7. Who was the founder of the Metropolitan Institution where Narendra Studied? Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray Madan Mohan Malavya Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Keshab Chandra Sen None 8. In which sport wasNaren said to have won the first prize? Football Wrestling Athletics Cycling None 9. The Head Quarters of Ramakrishna Mission is at Ramakrishna Math, Narendrapur Ramakrishna Math, Rajarhat Ramakrishna Math, Cossipore Belur Math, Kolkata None 10. Who spearheaded the building of the Vivekananda Memorial at Kanyakumari? Eknath Ranade Shri M. Bhaktavastalam Lal Bahadur Shastry Neelam Sanjeev Reddy None 11. Ekanathji Ranade founded Hindu spiritual organisation based on theprinciples preached by Swami Vivekananda. What is it? Vivekananda Kendra Vivekanda Mission Vivekananda Educational Society Swami Vivekananda Youth Association None 12. What happened when Swami Vivekananda returned from the West the second time, on December 9, 1900? There was a public lecture planned without his knowledge. The entire monastery was decorated for his welcome. Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday celebrations were going on. The man at the gate did not let him in because it was late night, and he did not recognize Swami Vivekananda in his Western clothes. None 13. In 1893 on his way to Canada from Japan to Canada, Swami Vivekananda met Jamshedji Tata on a ship named Empress. On Swami Vivekananda's encouragement to establish a world class institution, Jamshedji setup a world renowned institution. Which one? Indian Institute of Science Tata Motors Tata Steel Tata Institute of Fundamental Research None 14. World's Parliament of Religions was held in Chicago in the year 1893 1886 1883 1895 None 15. What happened because of Swami Vivekananda’s triumphal march through South India, especially the lectures he delivered in Madras? It inspired people to be more religious. It aroused the latent energy of the Indian nation. It inspired people to join the Ramakrishna Math & Mission. It raised money for his trip to the West None 16. Who is known for the six-volume work on Swami Vivekananda title "Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries"? Sister Gargi Romain Roland Sister Nivedita Immanuel Kant None 17. Sri Ramakrishna said, “if Keshab is possessed of one sign of greatness which has made him famous, Naren has _______ such signs to the fullest degree.” 18 1000 7 108 None 18. Who inspired Narendra to visit Sri Ramakrishna? Ramachandra Datta William Hastie Rabindranath Tagore Surendra Nath Mitra None 19. What was Swami Vivekananda’s purpose in meeting Princes and Dewans? To influence them and through them ensure the welfare and prosperity of the common man. To teach science and religion to the rulers of the country. To build a wide set of followers. To spread the teachings of his Master None 20. What was Swami Vivekananda s pre-monastic name? Narendranath Dutta Vishnunath Dutta Bhupendranath Dutta Mahendranath Dutta None 21. After his visit to Kanyakumari, Swamiji meditated on a rock, off the South coast of India,to be able to attain the highest spiritual experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi overcome the distress experienced by witnessing the poverty and misery in India. see a vision of God. understand the causes of India’s downfall and seek the means for her resurrection. None 22. What was the name of Swami Vivekananda’s sister? Sister Gargi Sister Nivedita Swarnamayi Devi Parama Devi None 23. When Swamiji’s family was going through a difficult time, he prayed for _________________ to Mother Kali Wealth to alleviate poverty and distress of his family members Knowledge and devotion Spiritual bliss and liberation Personal fulfillment None 24. In 1898, while at Almora, Swamiji received the news of the sad demise of three persons he loved very much. Who were they? Mrs. Seviers, Sister Nivedita and Haribhai Mr. Hale, Maharaja Ajit Singh, and Swami Abhedananda Miss Macleod, Swami Premananda and Sri Sarada Devi Mr. Goodwin, Saint Pavahari Baba, and Rajam Aiyar None 25. In 1899 Swami Vivekananda started a Bengali journal to carry forward the ideas propounded by the Ramakrishna Mission. It was called - Vedanta Kesari Prabuddha Bharata Brahmavadin Udbodhan None 26. Which of these ideas did Swami Vivekananda espouse all through his life? Never to live a life of secrecy All of these. Have faith in yourself Living a life of integrity None 27. What profession did Vivekānanda train in before discovering Ramakrishna's teachings? Teaching Medicine Law Government Service None 28. Before Narendranath became a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, he followed the socio-religious BrahmoSamaj as _____________. it aimed to seek the revival of ancient customs and traditions. it believed in a formless God,condemned the worship of idols, and addressed various forms of social reform. he had ambitions of one day becoming the leader of the BrahmoSamaj. it served as a platform to make friends with prominent religious leaders None 29. Name the special train launched by the Indian Railways to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and create awareness among the masses about his thoughts and philosophy Vivek Express Yoga Express Vedanta Express Vivekananda Express None 30. Swami Vivekananda was born in Kolkata on 12th Jan 1863. His birthday in India is celebrated as _______________ National Day of Service National Spiritual Day National Youth Day National Meditation Day None 31. Who was the rst woman initiated into Vivekananda's mission? Sister Gargi Abhyananda Kripananada Sister Nivedita None 32. JJ Goodwin was a court-stenographer, engaged to put down every word of Swami Vivekananda’s talks. He was very expensive. Yet after one week, he refused any money. Why? He said, “Of what use is my talent if it can be put to use only for money.” He said, “If Vivekananda gives his life, the least I can do is to give my service.” Because Swamiji told him: “You are a noble person. Why not dedicate yourself to good work?” The people working with Swami Vivekananda said “There are not enough funds for the work. Will you consider this as charity?” None 33. Swami Vivekananda’s first interaction with Sri Ramakrishna at the house of a neighbour left him fully satisfied. left him disenchanted. made no particular impression on him. transformed his life. None 34. What would young Naren call himself while playing with his friends? Samrat, the King of kings Bileh Swamiji Young Mr. Dutta None 35. In his concluding speech at the Parliament of Religions, Swamiji said that “upon the banner of every religion will soon be written, in spite of resistance”: help and not fight harmony and peace, and not dissension assimilation and not destruction All of these. None 36. One evening young Naren ventured into a grove of banana trees to meditate, expecting which God / Goddess to appear there? Hanuman Kali Shiva Ram None 37. Which city did Vivekānanda travel to in 1893 to attend the World Parliament of Religions? Chicago Paris New York London None 38. “The Master as I saw him” was written by? Swami Vivekananda Sister Josephine Macleod Sister Nivedita Swami Yogananda None 39. What was the name Vivekananda's mother? Bhuvaneswari Devi Raghumani Basu Sister Nivedita Swarnamayee Devi None 40. Swamiji was given to fits of temper as a child, and his mother found a strange remedy for it. What was it? Place him near the idol of Lord Shiva and sprinkle him with holy water. Tie a holy thread on his hand and feed him with butter and cold milk. Give him a cold water bath and wrap him in a sacred cloth. Pour water on his head while chanting Shiva’s name. None 41. Who gave the name Vivekananda to Swami Vivekananda? Alasinga Perumal Ajith Singh of Khetri K Sheshadri Iyer Bala Gangadhar Tilak None 42. "If you want to know India, study Vivekananda. In him everything is positive and nothing negative". Who said this? Aldous Huxley Subash Chandra Bose Romain Rolland Rabindranath Tagore None 43. Who said about Swami Vivekananda "Vivekananda saved Hinduism, saved India". Subhash Chandra Bose C Rajagopalachari Mahatma Gandhi Rabindranath Tagore None 44. Where is the Swami Vivekanand Airport situated? Raipur Jaipur Kolkata New Delhi None 45. What was Swami Vivekananda's nickname at home Babu Biley Khoka Hari None 46. Disgruntled with his father, Narendranath once asked him, “What have you done for me?” What did his father say in reply? Be grateful all your life for what you have Go look at yourself in the mirror Be you always a man, my son May no other father face such a question None 47. Margaret Noble, a disciple of Swami Vivekananda is well known as Sister Nivedita Sarada Devi Golap-ma Gauri-ma None 48. At the Parliament of Religions, Swami Vivekananda’s speeches were kept at the end of the day by the organizers because he was from India and not America. people would stay till the end to hear him. his speeches were too long. his speeches always summarized every speaker’s speech. None 49. Which was Narendranath's first destination in 1891 when he left the monastery as a wandering monk Himalayas Vrindavan Gaya Varanasi None 50. Which of these adjectives has been most widely used to describe Swami Vivekananda? Shaheed Bhagat Vedantic Scientist Punditji Mahatma of the masses None 51. Who was Swamiji referring to when he said this? “Who was there ever like Him? – the Lord, who never performed one action for Himself – with a heart that embraced the whole world! So full of pity, that He – prince and monk – would give His life to save a little goat! So loving that He sacrificed himself to the hunger of a tigress!” Sri Krishna Sri Rama Sri Ramakrishna Gautam Buddha None 52. What was the question Vivekananda asked to Sri Ramakrishna at their first meeting? Do you believe in God? Have you seen God? Do you think God exists? Is there a God? None 53. A street in USA has been named after Swami Vivekananda as ‘Honorary Swami Vivekananda Way’. Name the city Chicago Boston New York London None 54. Which were the two religious practices that the agnostic young Narendra instinctively accepted as absolutely necessary for the seeker of truth? Worship and Fasting Continence and Meditation Animal Sacrifice and Meditation Meditation and Mantra Chanting None 55. When did Naredndra met Sri Ramakrishna for the first time? 1982 1893 1981 1984 None 56. Where did Sister Nivedita first meet Swami Vivekananda? Boston London New York Chicago None 57. According to Swami Vivekananda, what should we seek? Western science coupled with Eastern science Western science coupled with Vedanta Eastern science coupled with Western religion Eastern religion coupled with Western religion None