मचातुर्मास्यमनाग्रयणमतिथिवर्जितं च ।
अहुतमवैश्वदेवमविधिना हुत-
मासप्तमांस्तस्य लोकान् हिनस्ति ॥ ३॥
macāturmāsyamanāgrayaṇamatithivarjitaṃ ca .
ahutamavaiśvadevamavidhinā huta-
māsaptamāṃstasya lokān hinasti .. 3..
If a man’s Agnihotra sacrifice is not accompanied by the Darsa and the Paurnamasa sacrifice, by the Four Months’ sacrifice and the Autumnal sacrifice; if it is unattended by hospitality to guests or if the oblations are not offered at the right time; or if the sacrifice is unaccompanied by the Vaisvadeva ceremony or is improperly performed-then it destroys his seven worlds.