अथ खल्वेतयर्चा पच्छ आचामति तत्सवितुर्वृणीमह इत्याचामति वयं देवस्य भोजनमित्याचामति श्रेष्ठं सर्वधातममित्याचामति तुरं भगस्य धीमहीति सर्वं पिबति निर्णिज्य कंसं चमसं वा पश्चादग्नेः संविशति चर्मणि वा स्थण्डिले वा वाचंयमोऽप्रसाहः स यदि स्त्रियं पश्येत्समृद्धं कर्मेति विद्यात् ॥ ५.२.७ ॥
atha khalvetayarcā paccha ācāmati tatsaviturvṛṇīmaha ityācāmati vayaṃ devasya bhojanamityācāmati śreṣṭhaṃ sarvadhātamamityācāmati turaṃ bhagasya dhīmahīti sarvaṃ pibati nirṇijya kaṃsaṃ camasaṃ vā paścādagneḥ saṃviśati carmaṇi vā sthaṇḍile vā vācaṃyamo’prasāhaḥ sa yadi striyaṃ paśyetsamṛddhaṃ karmeti vidyāt || 5.2.7 ||
7. Then, while saying this Ṛk mantra foot by foot, he eats some of what is in the homa pot. He says, ‘We pray for that food of the shining deity,’ and then eats a little of what is in the homa pot. Saying, ‘We eat the food of that deity,’ he eats a little of what is in the homa pot. Saying, ‘It is the best and the support of all,’ he eats a little of what is in the homa pot. Saying, ‘We quickly meditate on Bhaga,’ he eats the rest and washes the vessel or spoon. Then, with his speech and mind under control, he lies down behind the fire, either on the skin of an animal or directly on the sacrificial ground. If he sees a woman in his dream, he knows that the rite has been successful [and that he will succeed in whatever he does].
Word-for-word explanation:
Atha khalu etayā ṛcā, then while [saying] this Ṛk mantra; pacchaḥ foot by foot; ācāmati, he eats a little [of what is in the homa pot]; tat savituḥ vṛṇīmahe, we pray for that [food] of the shining deity; iti ācāmati, saying this he eats a little [of what is in the homa pot]; vayam devasya bhojanam, we eat the food of the deity; iti ācāmati, saying this he eats a little [of what is in the homa pot]; śreṣṭham sarvadhātamam, it is the best and the support of all; iti ācāmati, saying this he eats a little [of what is in the homa pot]; turam, quickly; bhagasya dhīmahi, we meditate on Bhaga; iti sarvam pibati, saying this he drinks the rest; nirṇijya kaṃsam, [and] washing the vessel [i.e., the homa pot]; vā camasam, or spoon; aprasāhaḥ, with his mind under control; vācaṃyamaḥ, [and] his speech under control; agneḥ paścāt, behind the fire; carmaṇi vā sthaṇḍile vā, on the skin of an animal or directly on the sacrificial ground; saṃviśati, he sleeps; saḥ yadi, if he; striyam paśyet, sees a woman [in his dream]; karma samṛddham, the sacrificial rite is successful; iti vidyāt, he knows that.
While eating, the sacrificer should repeat the appropriate mantra. That is, he should eat a little and then repeat one foot of the Ṛk mantra; then eat a little more and repeat another foot, and so on. What is this mantra? It is a prayer to Savitā, the sun god. If you repeat this prayer with the appropriate rite, you will become as bright and pure as the sun.