Swami Subodhananda was born on 8 November 1867. “One can see God as one sees two persons talking together or walking. But one should call on God from the bottom of one’s heart. Pray and cry for …
Chandogya Upanishad 5.11.7
तान्होवाच प्रातर्वः प्रतिवक्तास्मीति ते ह समित्पाणयः पूर्वाह्णे प्रतिचक्रमिरे तान्हानुपनीयैवैतदुवाच ॥ ५.११.७ ॥॥ इति एकादशः खण्डः ॥ tānhovāca prātarvaḥ prativaktāsmīti te ha samitpāṇayaḥ pūrvāhṇe …
November 7: Bhakti
“Bhakti is the only essential thing. One obtains love of God by constantly chanting His name and singing His glories. It is necessary to seek the company of the holy men, practice prayer, and listen …
Chandogya Upanishad 5.11.6
ते होचुर्येन हैवार्थेन पुरुषश्चरेत्तंहैव वदेदात्मानमेवेमं वैश्वानरं सम्प्रत्यध्येषि तमेव नो ब्रूहीति ॥ ५.११.६ ॥ te hocuryena haivārthena puruṣaścarettaṃhaiva vadedātmānamevemaṃ vaiśvānaraṃ …
November 6: Happiness and Misery
“Happiness and misery alternate in this world. Have you ever seen anyone completely free from them? It is impossible: this world is made up of the pairs of opposites. By meditating on the Atman one …
Chandogya Upanishad 5.11.5
तेभ्यो ह प्राप्तेभ्यः पृथगर्हाणि कारयांचकार स ह प्रातः संजिहान उवाच न मे स्तेनो जनपदे न कर्दर्यो न मद्यपो नानाहिताग्निर्नाविद्वान्न स्वैरी स्वैरिणी कुतो यक्ष्यमाणो वै भगवन्तोऽहमस्मि यावदेकैकस्मा …