शुक्लकृष्णे गती ह्येते जगत: शाश्वते मते |
एकया यात्यनावृत्तिमन्ययावर्तते पुन: || 26||
śhukla-kṛiṣhṇe gatī hyete jagataḥ śhāśhvate mate
ekayā yātyanāvṛittim anyayāvartate punaḥ
śhukla—bright; kṛiṣhṇe—dark; gatī—paths; hi—certainly; ete—these; jagataḥ—of the material world; śhāśhvate—eternal; mate—opinion; ekayā—by one; yāti—goes; anāvṛittim—to non return; anyayā—by the other; āvartate—comes back; punaḥ—again
These two paths— the bright and the dark— are deemed to be the world’s eternal paths. Following the one, a man does not come back, and following the other, he is reborn.
It is declared here that these two paths of light and darkness, of liberation and bondage, of knowledge and ignorance, are eternal and fixed for all mankind. Those who acquire Atmajnana do not return again into the cage of flesh and blood. The others return again and again into the body, till they attain perfection. The two paths are open to man. Which to choose depends on the discrimination of man. If a man ascends into light, he is blessed; if a man descends into darkness, he suffers all the ills of human life. Let all the seekers resolutely, set their face against ignorance, and look upward for the Light of Atma.
Question: What are the two paths open to the world?
Answer: The path of light and knowledge (Uttarayana) and the path of darkness and ignorance (Dakshinayana).
Question: What should the wise man do?
Answer: He should eliminate ignorance and follow the path of light.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 8
(28 Verses)