अव्यक्ताद्व्यक्तय: सर्वा: प्रभवन्त्यहरागमे |
रात्र्यागमे प्रलीयन्ते तत्रैवाव्यक्तसञ्ज्ञके || 18||
avyaktād vyaktayaḥ sarvāḥ prabhavantyahar-āgame
rātryāgame pralīyante tatraivāvyakta-sanjñake
avyaktāt—from the unmanifested; vyaktayaḥ—the manifested; sarvāḥ—all; prabhavanti—emanate; ahaḥ-āgame—at the advent of Brahma’s day; rātri-āgame—at the fall of Brahma’s night; pralīyante—they dissolve; tatra—into that; eva—certainly; avyakta-sanjñake—in that which is called the unmanifest
At the approach of the day all manifest objects come forth from the unmanifested, and at the approach of the night they merge again into that which is called the unmanifested.
Except for the Supreme, all else is subject to birth and death. All the manifested proceed from and dissolve in Maya (Prakriti) whose power is in the Lord Himself. From the darkness of sleep stream forth the wonderful dream-world and all that dissolves in the darkness of sleep. The awakened man has nothing to do with the dream-world. So also Paramatma has no contact with the manifested which proceeds from and dissolves the unmanifested (avyakta). But he remains as a supporter of all.
Question: From what does the manifested proceed?
Answer: From the unmanifest.
Question: When do they come out?
Answer: At the coming of the day of Brahma (Creator).
Question: When do they dissolve and where?
Answer: At the coming of night, and into the Avyakta they dissolve.
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 8
(28 Verses)
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