A rare Divine Incarnation, An embodiment of Love, An epitome of equanimity and tolerance and The Mother of All was born on 28th March 1923 in the village of Mannava, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Her biological parents were Sri Mannava Sitapati Sarma and Smt Rangamma. She was named ‘Anasuya’ by her parents, meaning one without jealousy. She had one elder brother Sri Mannava Raghava Rao.
Early Spiritual Glimpses
What the world perceives as a Supernatural act is a natural phenomenon in the great souls. The most intricate yogic states like ‘Shambavi Mudra ‘ were unveiled by Amma at a tender age of 19 months thus reflecting her divine persona.
Marriage – A Guiding Path
Amma married Sri Brahmandam Nageswara Rao whom devotees affectionately called Nannagaru(Father).He was a village revenue officer. Amma unequivocally declared that marriage is not a hindrance to spiritual practice or progress. They had three children Sri Subba Rao, Hymavathi (Hyma Akka) and Sri Ravindra Rao.
Jillellamudi – A Sacred Place
Most of the Divine personalities choose a place that is most inconspicuous before they reveal themselves to the world. Amma chose Jilllellamudi, a small village and Nannagaru got transferred to that place. Miracles are not performed by the divine souls. They happen by their mere thought or in their presence.
People Flocking To See Amma
Every visitor to Jillellamudi had his own unique experience in the presence of Amma. The spiritual seekers saw her as their ultimate mentor, The worshippers found her as the incarnation of their favourite deity, The atheists saw Amma as a true humanist and great social reformer. Over all everyone was swept by the Amma’s boundless love and compassion.
Revelation -This Creation Is Mine
What else can we see in a child(Amma) who gave her clothes to a needy child at a very tender age, who unconditionally helped a thief to remove her own gold ornaments to save him from misery? Nothing but the all-pervading motherly nature of Amma. Who else would disclose that ‘This Creation is Mine’other than a benevolent Amma?Her revelation emboldened millions across the world that the grace of divine mother would now illuminate their lives and make them to live in peace and happiness.
Annapurnalayam – Amma’s Heart & Soul
No one knows about a child’s hunger better than a mother. For Amma everyone is her own child irrespective of the age, gender and status etc. Amma started a permanent kitchen and a dining hall to cater food for the hungry children and named it Annapurnalayam. Everyone was served food with love and affection without any kind of discrimination. Amma declared ‘Hunger is the only eligibility to enter Annapurnalayam’.
House Of All- An Abode Of Brotherhood
A decent complex was built which contained rooms for permanent inmates, a residence for Amma(Vatsalyalayam), a kitchen (Annapurnalayam) & a dining hall for day to day activities. As a mother’s residence belongs to all her children, Amma affectionately named it as Andarillu(House Of All). Amma advised everyone to address each other as Annayya(Brother) and Akkayya(Sister) to be one in the Amma’s universal family.
An Emphasis On Education & Publication
Jillellamudi, A small agri based village before the advent of Amma had grown more in facilities by the grace of her. As more and more of her children/devotees started residing in Andarillu and its surroundings, Amma laid the foundation for education in the village by inaugurating an oriental school. In and around the same time, A monthly journal by the name ‘Matrusri’ was also published to spread Amma’s message and teachings.
Hymaakka Attains Divinity
Many divine personalities before presented Moksha to their disciples, to their mothers and to their devotees etc. Amma went a step further and bestowed divinity to her daughter Hymavathi (fondly called HymaAkka). HymaAkka was a pure and pious soul who meditated immensely under the guidance of Amma. She attained ‘Maha Samadhi’ at the age of 25 years and a temple was constructed for her by the name Hymalayam.
Matrusri Oriental College
Amma commenced an oriental college which admitted students from rural and poor background and ensured that every student is provided with free food and free space to live along with free education. Amma’s pure heart always longed for the poor and downtrodden people in the society. She once uttered ‘A child who is ignored by the society will surely find a place in my lap’.
Amma’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Amma fulfilled the wishes of her children/devotees all the time with utmost love and affection.The golden jubilee of Amma was an opportunity for them to fulfill her wish for the first time.Amma wished to see 1 Lakh children having food on that auspicious ocaasion in Jillellamudi.By the divine grace of her around 1.5 lakhs have attended the celebrations of Amma and had the blessigs of her.
A Tour To Touch Lives
Amma travelled across the states of Andhrapradesh and Tamilnadu to meet,brighten and uplift the lives of her children who were not in a position or condition to come and see her. She embraced children from all walks of life specially the underpriviliged and distributed food as well as clothes to them. ‘A mother takes more care and gives more attention to a weak and needy child’ said once by Amma.
Matrusri Medical Centre
Amma’s work for the betterment of lives of her children in around the village of Jillellamudi was relentless. She ensured all the basic amenities like food, shelter, education and health are provided to the permanent inmates, villagers and visiting devotees to live contented at the lotus feet of her. ‘To live with contentment is liberation’ was what Amma taught to her children.
The Diamond Jubilee & TTD Kalyana Mandapam
The diamond Jubilee (60 years) of Amma was celebrated with many humanitarian activities across various cities with utmost devotion. Moreover at the same time TTD constructed a Kalyana Mandapam in the village as many families across the regions believed that the couples married in the presence of Amma lived happily ever. It was inaugurated by the divine mother.
Amma MahaSamadhi
On 12th June , The Mother Of All attained ‘Maha Samadhi’. Every year this day is observed as ‘Ananthostsavam’. In the last 40 years a new generation of devotees had visited Jillellamudi and everyone experienced the brotherhood, hospitality, love and compassion the four pillars of Andarillu (House Of All). They also felt an inexplicable spiritual bliss in the temples of Anasuyeswaralayam and Hymalayam.