अरा इव रथनाभौ संहता यत्र नाड्यः ।
स एषोऽन्तश्चरते बहुधा जायमानः ।
ओमित्येवं ध्यायथ आत्मानं स्वस्ति वः
पाराय तमसः परस्तात् ॥ ६॥
arā iva rathanābhau saṃhatā yatra nāḍyaḥ .
sa eṣo’ntaścarate bahudhā jāyamānaḥ .
omityevaṃ dhyāyatha ātmānaṃ svasti vaḥ
pārāya tamasaḥ parastāt .. 6..
He moves about, becoming manifold, within the heart, where the arteries meet, like the spokes fastened in the nave of a chariot wheel. Meditate on Atman as Om. Hail to you! May you cross beyond the sea of darkness!