In this article we are going to collect Swami Vivekananda‘s quotes on man or human being. Related articles are listed at the bottom of the page.
- According to us, there are three things in the makeup of man. There is the body, there is the mind, and there is the soul.[Source]
- An intellectual, heartless man never becomes an inspired man. It is always the heart that speaks in the man of love; it discovers a greater instrument than intellect can give you, the instrument of inspiration.[Source]
- As long as a man thinks, this struggle must go on, and so long man must have some form of religion.[Source]
- Each man has a mission in life, which is the result of all his infinite past Karma.[Source]
- Each man is divine. Each man that you see is a God by his very nature.[Source]
- Each man is perfect by his nature; prophets have manifested this perfection, but it is potential in us.[Source]
- Each man must begin where he stands, must learn how to control the things that are nearest to him.[Source]
- Every human being has the right to ask the reason, why, and to have his question answered by himself, if he only takes the trouble.[Source]
- Every man who, we think, gets something by chance, has been working for it slowly and surely through ages.[Source]
- Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be.[Source]
- In one sense Brahman is known to every human being; he knows, “I am”; but man does not know himself as he is.[Source]
- Infinite perfection is in every man, though unmanifested.[Source]
- Man always is perfect, or he never could become so; but he had to realise it.[Source]
- Man as Atman is really free; as man he is bound, changed by every physical condition.[Source]
- Man can become like God and acquire control over the whole universe if he multiplies infinitely his centre of self-consciousness.[Source]
- Man can think of divine things only in his own human way, to us the Absolute can be expressed only in our relative language.[Source]
- Man cannot always think of matter, however pleasurable it may be.[Source]
- Man cannot be satisfied by wealth.[Source]
- Man cannot go beyond his nature, no more than you can jump out of your body.[Source]
- Man cannot live upon words, however he may try.[Source]
- Man dies but once. My disciples must not be cowards.[Source]
- Man has infinite power within himself, and he can realise it — he can realise himself as the one infinite Self. It can be done; but you do not believe it. You pray to God and keep your powder dry all the time.[Source]
- Man in his true nature is substance, soul, spirit.[Source]
- Man is a degeneration of what he was.[Source]
- Man is born to conquer nature and not to follow it.[Source]
- Man is greater than the gods.[Source]
- Man is guided by the stomach. He walks and the stomach goes first and the head afterwards. Have you not seen that? It will take ages for the head to go first.[Source]
- Man is man so long as he is struggling to rise above nature, and this nature is both internal and external.[Source]
- Man is not mind, he is soul.[Source]
- Man is really free, the real man cannot but be free.[Source]
- Man is the apex of the only world we can ever know.[Source]
- Man is the best mirror, and the purer the man, the more clearly he can reflect God.[Source]
- Man is the epitome of all things and all knowledge is in him.[Source]
- Man is the greatest being that ever can be.[Source]
- Man is the highest being in creation, because he attains to freedom.[Source]
- Man is the highest being that exists, and this is the greatest world.[Source]
- Man is the nearest approach to Brahman.[Source]
- Man is the product of two forces, action and reaction, which make him think.[Source]
- Man makes the mistake of separating himself from God and identifying himself with the body.[Source]
- Man never dies, nor is he ever born; bodies die, but he never dies.[Source]
- Man, therefore, according to the Vedanta philosophy, is the greatest being that is in the universe.[Source]
- Man will have to go beyond intellect in the end.[Source]
- Man’s experience in the world is to enable him to get out of its whirlpool.[Source]
- Man’s free agency is not of the mind, for that is bound. There is no freedom there.[Source]
- Man the infinite dreamer, dreaming finite dreams![Source]
- Manushya (man) is a being with Manas (mind); and as soon as his thinking power goes, he becomes no better than an animal.[Source]
- Never say any man is hopeless, because he only represents a character, a bundle of habits, which can be checked by new and better ones. Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character.[Source]
- Only man makes Karma.[Source]
- The animal man lives in the senses. If he does not get enough to eat, he is miserable; or if something happens to his body, he is miserable. In the senses both his misery and his happiness begin and end.[Source]
- The apparent man is only a limitation of that Real Man.[Source]
- The calm man is not the man who is dull. You must not mistake Sattva for dullness or laziness. The calm man is the one who has control over the mind waves. Activity is the manifestation of inferior strength, calmness, of the superior.[Source]
- The happiest is the man who is not at all selfish.[Source]
- The ignorant man never enjoys.[Source]
- The glory of man is that he is a thinking being. It is the nature of man to think and therein he differs from animals.[Source]
- The perfect man sees nothing but God.[Source]
- The real man is the one Unit Existence.[Source]
- There is no end to the power a man can obtain.[Source]
- We can have no conception of God higher than man, so our God is man, and man is God.[Source]
- Well has it been said that man is the only animal that naturally looks upwards; every other animal naturally looks down.[Source]
See also